thirty two.

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"YEAH!" lucas's laughter filled the basement as max caught another mini marshmallow in her mouth, the red head giggling as her boyfriend praised her.

it was now the day after will and eleanor had arrived in hawkins, christmas eve to be exact. yesterday the party spent the day casually catching up with eachother, talking for hours and hours on end about everything they possibly could. however, today they all decided celebrate the upcoming holiday the correct way with a good old fashioned christmas party.

of course, the party had already exchanged gifts the minute they arrived at mike's... per request of a very overly excited dustin. so after completely destroying the wheeler's living room, the group made their way downstairs to sit on the floor, drink hot chocolate in their pajamas and watch as many christmas movies as the could. however if you can't tell... lucas and max got a bit distracted in the process of picking out what movie they wanted to watch first.

"got it, two in a row." the red head smirked at the sarcastic boy before pressing her back against bottom of mike's worn out couch.

"that was good, that was good." lucas chuckled again, a gleam in his eyes as he stared at his girlfriend. even though eleanor thought this was possibly one of the purest moments she's ever witnessed of lucas and max, the sight made the raven haired boy next to her groan in annoyance before burying his head in the crook of her neck to shield himself from the couple across from them.

"oh i bet i could do better." dustin snickered as he made his way down the steps of the basement, his now third cup hot chocolate steaming in his hands.

"oh, i highly doubt you can." max remarked as she scrunched her nose at the light curly headed boy, making lucas and will hold back a small chuckle.

"oh please maxine, i don't even have to try. go ahead, throw one at me." dustin stated as he situated himself on the floor next to will and a very cuddled up eleanor and mike. the curly headed boy barley got enough time to set his cup on the small coffee table in front of him before a small marshmallow bounced off his forehead. "YOU DIDN'T EVEN WARN ME!"

"YOU SAID THROW ONE AT ME!" the red head managed to say as she erupted into a fit of laughter, lucas following in suit.

before dustin could pick a bigger fight, the brunette boy next to him spoke up. "so what about that movie we said we were gonna play?"

"yea start it up maxie. i mean, you and lucas did decide on a movie right?" dustin smirked at the couple, making the fiery red head throw yet another marshmallow in his direction.

"uh - " mike cleared his throat, finally picking up his head from the crook of eleanor's neck. "you guys go ahead and figure out umm this situation..." the raven haired boy stated as he stood up. "i need to give el something." he smiled at down at his girlfriend, sticking out his hand to help the small brunette to her feet.

"wow... it's been what?" lucas looked down at his non existent watch. "barley even 30 minutes down here and you're already tryna get alone time mikey? aren't you two spending all day tomorrow together?"

the raven haired boy nodded, carefully stepping over his friends and leading eleanor up the stairs. "we sure are, but this is important. we'll be right back!" he yelled as he practically ran up the stairs of the basement, pulling eleanor along with him.

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