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*trigger warning*
some sensitive topics will be briefly discussed or hinted. this includes shy mentions of abuse and ptsd.

mike wheeler ⭐️



oh no.
what's wrong?


you used a period.
the only punctuation you ever use is a question mark.
somethings wrong.

can i not use periods?

only i use periods.

that's unfair.

what's wrong?

i'm fine :).

you made it worse.
talk to me.

i am talking to u.

about what's wrong.

i'm okkkk.

el, please.

i'm just... stressed.
and maybe a tiny bit sad.



are you like... actually doing nothing right now?

i'm tryna redo this outline for an essay.
it's a long story.
usually will would help me but he's out right now so i'm trying to do it by myself.
Delivered 10:38 pm.

mike wheeler ⭐️
would like to facetime...

eleanor quickly tried to collect herself, putting her face in her hands to somehow get rid of the gloominess overtaking her mind. truth be told... she was freaking out on the inside.

they had never facetimed before nor did she think he would ever want to. she stared at the screen, his bold contact name flashing over and over again. she quickly clicked "accept" before she could convince herself to make up some absurd excuse on why she couldn't call.

there was small shuffling on his end before she saw his damp curls pop into frame. "oh wow you actually answered." he said sarcastically. she smiled at the boy but didn't say anything back. she just watched quietly as he situated himself at his desk, propping his phone up so she could have a perfect view of him. her heart tugged a bit when he spoke again, "you okay?"

"um... kinda..." she stuttered, remembering the actual reason he was facetiming her in the first place. she looked down hopelessly at the stack of papers in front of her. will definitely had kept his promise, however looking over it now she still felt it wasn't as good as the first version they had.

"lemme help... please." he said gently, noticing how lost the small brunette looked.

she slowly grabbed the papers in one hand so she could move over from her bed to her desk, situating herself identically to how mike had his set up. "it's not a lot... i just had a different version and it's not as good as that one..." she admitted to him, however we all know that wasn't the only thing wrong.

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