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*four years later*

"ugh this is so difficult and expensive. why is being an adult so hard?" the red head's complaints drowned through the apartment before she dropped her forehead down to the cold granite in front of them, mumbling a few inaudible curse words in the process.

yet, her best friend beside her simply giggled, sliding the silver computer across the counter over to where she could see. "oh this one is cute. it's a three bedroom, two bath. it's in a good area... actually it's not far from mike and i's apartment."

"closer to you and mikey? are you sure he'll be ok with that cause i might steal you everyday." max perked up, grabbing the computer back to flip through the images on the screen. "oof, it looks like needs some work though."

"it has character." eleanor decided before leaning over to point to a statement written at the bottom of the screen, "and look... it's perfect for a growing family."

max directed her attention to her best friend, squinting at her furiously before smirking. "be careful, eleanor. who knows, you and mike might be in this predicament sooner than you think."

"very funny, but mike and i agreed to wait on kids." the small brunette carefully poked the red head's tummy before spinning around in her chair to make herself another cup of tea.

max had fallen pregnant about three weeks ago. obviously, the news was still extremely new to the couple, seriously both of them were nervous wrecks when they first found out. yet as the weeks continue to pass, the idea has became something very special and exciting. from eleanor's perspective, it was probably one of the sweetest things she'd ever seen from the two of them.

but it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to know that max argued to not tell anyone just yet.

with that being said, the only reason the brunette knew was because she happened to be the victim to the very frantic phone call after her best friend had taken the first test... and accompanied her when she insisted on taking three more after that.

of course, eleanor promised to keep this information to herself. she respected the fact that it was way too early to be running around telling everyone she was going to be an aunt to a sweet little baby soon. plus the red head was already anxious about all the possible things that could go wrong so early in a pregnancy. so as of right now, the only people who knew were max, lucas, eleanor and mike.

yea... she definitely broke the first day trying to keep that secret from him.

"i was talking more about buying a house together but i mean having your own lil one isn't a bad idea either." max winked, earning a very unamused look from her best friend.

"you should, then you and max can be pregnant together and mike will have to suffer with me." lucas emerged from the bedroom with his own cup of hot tea in his hands, snickering to himself a bit before noticing the two dirty looks being thrown his direction. "uh, speaking of mike. i think he needs you home now, el."

"needs me home?" eleanor reached for her white i phone resting on the counter next to max, scrolling through her notifications before concluding. "he hasn't texted me?"

the sarcastic boy shifted uncomfortably, avoiding the brunette's gaze as he made his was way over to lean up against the counter across from the girls. "uh - yea. i just - you see - i know he needs you home right now."

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