twenty three.

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"i'm going now... please don't do anything stupid... both of you. i'll probably be back late." her father informed seriously to the two teenagers sitting at the dining table.

honestly, the man really just wanted to go back to bed... especially considering the weather was actually horrible today. however, he had a doctors appointment and the papers piling up on his desk at work were becoming an issue. he decided to have one of his buddies take him to his appointment and to the station, promising eleanor he would not under any circumstances go to any other locations or respond to any calls.

with that being said, her father reluctantly waved goodbye to the pair and exited the small home, leaving them to enjoy their breakfast alone.

eleanor quietly ate in silence, scrolling mindlessly through her different social media feeds. she didn't even notice mike had already finished his plate until she finally put down her phone, immediately noticing the two dark eyes staring at her.

"jesus christ, were you watching me this entire time?" she accused him, trying not smile at the adorable boy who had his chin resting in the palm of his hands.

"is that a bad thing?" he teased, winking at her as she picked up both their plates.

"you're lucky you're cute." the brunette concluded.

mike slowly followed the small girl into the kitchen, watching her movements intently as she cleaned up the small mess they made in the process of getting breakfast together. it wasn't she was finishing washing the dishes when he decided to carefully sneak up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"thanks for helping." she coldly whispered to him. the boy, who was in no way paying any attention to her attitude, gently started nuzzling his face into her neck.

"you're welcome." his voice muffled against her skin, earning an eye roll from his girlfriend.

"okay... off so i can go change into some real clothes please." she tried to wiggle herself out of his embrace, but quickly failed once he cupped her cheeks and placed his lips on hers.

eleanor had kissed a few boys in her lifetime, most of them meaning nothing more than just a simple kiss, but with mike... it was completely different. the precious freckled faced boy didn't even have to try. he could just touch her and she would feel like she was floating... walking on clouds even. but kissing him? forget it. he had complete control over her.

they stayed like that for awhile, mike occasionally trailing his kisses to her cheeks, her jawline, her neck...

that was until his phone starting ringing.

"mike..." eleanor nudged him him softly.

"yes..." he hummed against her skin once more.

"your... your phone." she informed him, attempting to catch his attention.

"doesn't matter." he hummed again, pulling her closer to him.

"what if it's your mom?" she definitely wasn't trying to be a buzz kill, but she didn't want him to get in any trouble. she already knew he was lying about coming here alone.

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