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mike wheeler ⭐️

hey, it's el

oh thank fuck.
i was starting to think you hated me and were never gonna text me lmao.

i'm sorry
weekdays are stressful for me
plus i didn't wanna bother you or like text you at the wrong time

it's fine.
never a bother.
but you did text me in the middle of my last period.

i told will you were probably in class
he told me to text you anyways
i'm so sorry

it's okay, i'd rather text you than read and annotate horrible poetry.
you told will?

he doesn't mind that i'm texting you

are you sure?
i don't wanna like, you know.
overstep anything or be weird.

very sure
he wasn't even mad
like at all

oh okay.
i just hope you're telling the truth.
he knows where i live.
i'm pretty sure he'd make the drive just to kill me.

dramatic 😳

anyways, what have you been up to?

just school
it's been very boring since you guys left

i feel that.
i actually kinda like school though.

oh yea i remember
i was told all you care about is your gpa

woah what?
who told you that?


of course she did.
i do care about my grades.
but it's not as intense as max makes it seem.

oh is it now

yes ma'am.
i'ma good boy what can i say.

oh god

i'm kidding.
well not really.
but school just... comes easy.

i wish :(

you don't like school?

it's difficult for me
the work, i mean is difficult for me
people aren't mean to me or anything
not anymore

so will really isn't lying when he tells us he has to help you with homework.
i'm sorry people were mean to you.
you really don't deserve that.

it's okayy
and nope he's not lying
i'm sure he's lies about other things to not talk to you 😉

am i really that bad?

eh not really
wyd rn anyways?

just laying here.
my friday nights are crazy.
lucas and max got invited to some party though and want me to come.
but i'm not really not... into that.

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