thirty six.

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baby boy ⭐️🤍

hello hello
how's my favorite lover boy that i miss so much? 🥰

um your favorite?
are you implying that you have more than one lover boy.
does this mean...
oh fuck.
you're cheating on me, aren't you?

look at you just jumping to conclusions
but yes
i'm TOTALLY cheating on you

you're a disgrace.
i should've known.

you're SOOO dramatic
i would never cheat on you

hm sure.
that's what they all say.


okay okay.
i'm just messing with youuuu. 😘🥰
i know you'd never cheat on me.

you sound very confident on that one love
what if i'm lying?? 👀

sorry to break it to you babe but you suck at lying.

i just wanted to be all cute and mushy with you
but then you attacked me
i'm so hurt

ugh fine.
we can be mushy.
just cause i kinda miss you a lot rn.
how's my baby love doing?

besides the fact that your cute face isn't here
i'm actually pretty good
brandon is spending the night so we're currently watching disney movies
ima let them have their alone time in a bit though
i don't wanna be more of a third wheel than i already am

oh shit.
is it his first time sleeping over?

it sure is

how did hop react to that one?

well when will asked if he could sleep over, he immediately said no
but then he threw out the fact that you've slept over before
you can assume who won that argument

i'm 100% positive your dad has a soft spot for me though.
i must be his favorite.
but how's brandon liking my couch?

you really are
it's like... grossly cute how much my dad asks about you
brandon said and i quote "um, your couch?"

it's all cause i'm great and perfect. 😉
i own that couch.

you sure are baby boy
he said "as long as he didn't infect it, i don't care who's couch it is."
i want you to know that brandon is not amused by literally anything you say

oh you weren't kidding when you said you wanted to be mushy today. 👀❤️
fuck brandon.
not like... literally.
i mean he's gay so like... you know.
please disregard my last 3 texts.
i'm embarrassed.

are you okay, love?
did ya get a lil flustered there?

i really did.
i kinda can't believe we've been dating for almost 5 months and i still haven't met brandon yet.
like he's apart of the family... i'm apart of the family.
we should know eachother, you know.

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