my gift to you.

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oh god where do i begin...

this book has been my escape for a year now and never in a million years did i ever think anyone would read, let alone like anything i put out. but i can confidently say that y'all have proven me so SO wrong.

i cannot thank y'all enough for all the love, support and cute little comments that brought so much purpose and joy to my life. i'll never be able to explain how much i appreciate y'all.

it makes me very happy that i was able to give y'all an escape even if it was just for a few minutes out of the day.

many of y'all have asked me for a sequel and even though i am very flattered, i really don't believe in dragging out storylines just for the sake of keeping things alive. i'm actually very satisfied with this ending for my baby loves.


i should probably admit to y'all that over the past few months i have been planning something.

with that being said, my gift to you is not a sequel but instead a collection of individual one shots, short stories, alternative universes and bonus chapters from BOTH of my books: strangers and tea stained newspapers.

yes, you heard me right. y'all will get to see our sweet baby loves in one book.

i hope y'all enjoy each of my little raindrops.
prologue will be up shortly.

much love,
mad ⭐️☕️💧

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