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*back in hawkins*

"wha- what am i supposed to do?! i don't see you guys throwing me any ideas here..." mike paced around the basement. it had been a few days since eleanor and his plans for break had been ruined. he was happy to hear that her father was doing well after what had happened, however there was still the selfish side of him that truly wanted her to just leave and come to hawkins.

tomorrow will and joyce would be arriving, which only reminded mike more of the fact that eleanor would not be joining them. he couldn't stop thinking about it. ever since their first facetime call, he's had this undeniable feeling telling him that she IS what he wants.

honestly, he truly felt like a lovesick puppy waiting around for her to come home to him. he just wanted to feel her warmth again, sit next to her again, wrap his arms around her again.... and for some reason that made him feel it was his job to fix everything... to figure out something so he can ask her that burning question that's been eating him alive for the past week.

the party wasn't much help though.

"bro, just send her some flowers and then ask her out over like winter break or sum... don't be clingy." dustin remarked as he reached his hand further down the red tube of pringles.

"definitely not. this is EL we are talking about dumbass. especially after listening to mike spill all his mushy feelings about her, sending flowers isn't gonna cut it. i say you take your lanky ass back to indianapolis mikey." max rolled her eyes as she continued to play with her boyfriend's twists while he laid comfortably on her lap.

"oh shit, you think your mom will actually let you?" lucas said, turning his head slightly to look at the stressed curly haired boy.

"there's absolutely no way. i mean - "mike started but was soon cut off by dustin's loud chewing. 

"you've done it before. what's so wrong going by yourself?" the other curly haired boy said nonchalantly.

mike scoffed at dustin before pointing out, "where would i even stay?!?! i don't think her dad was very happy bout letting all of us stay there last time so what makes you guys think he will let me stay there ALONE."

"get a hotel." lucas winked, leaning over high five dustin. this truly sent mike into more of a frenzy.

the raven haired boy grabbed the air in various directions, "REALLY?!? with WHAT money lucas?? HUH??" he sarcastically exaggerated before plopping down on the small chair next to the couch full of his friends, "i just need to see her..."

"see who?" the door to the basement suddenly creaked open, showing a silhouette of mike's older sister nancy. she had come home from college the night before, however she knew nothing about the dilemma her younger brother had been having for the past few days.

"someone... no one..." mike's buried his head in his hands.

"someone or no one?? just tell her mike. you've been complaining about it for the past hour and if you don't make up your mind ima drive down there myself." max said as she carefully moved her boyfriend off of her lap to stand up and snatch the pringles from dustin.

nancy slowly closed the door to the basement and made her way down the steps before leaning up against the railing when she got to the bottom. she gave her brother a knowing look, "sooo... who's this girl you "need" to see."

he mumbled a bit under his breath before quietly admitting, "el..."

"sorry what? el? you mean eleanor? as in - "

"YES as in will's adopted step sister. we've all been over this, it's not that weird." he stuttered, trying to convince himself more than his audience in front of him.

"i didn't say it was weird... just a little unexpected. that's all." his older sister smiled.

"well story is when we went down there for will's birthday, el promised all of us that she would come with will and joyce when they visit again..." dustin started to inform.

"which is tomorrow, right?" nancy attempted to confirm.

"correct. however el's dad got in an work accident and now she's staying back to make sure he's good... doesn't push himself too far ya know. mikey here is upset cause he had a plan here to ask her out when she came and now that's... ruined." the short curly haired boy sighed dramatically.

nancy nodded, surprised that this girl had made such an impression on her brother. she was going to give a sisterly speech before max said something that sparked an idea.

"so does this mean my idea is a no? you're not gonna drive to indianapolis?" the fiery red head decided for herself.

"why don't you drive over there?" nancy questioned further, only to get an obvious stare thrown back at her.

"what do you mean drive over there. BY MYSELF?? i'm sorry, have you MET mom?? and again WHERE would i stay??" mike was getting annoyed at this point. he felt like a broken record trying to get everyone to see his side of things.

"just say you're going with me. i'm sure hop will let you stay there, just be polite. if not i'll give you some cash for a hotel." his older sister informed.

"you're gonna come with me?" mike repeated.

"i said SAY i'm going with you. i won't actually be with you. i'll stay at a friends." she said nonchalantly.

"... you'll seriously help me?" her gave her hopeful eyes.

"of course."

"what's the catch?" he switched his glare suspiciously.

"no catch. i would like you to get married one day so there's not the slightest chance you'll come knocking on my door in the future." she concluded before turning around and starting her way back up the steps.

"cool, so mike drives to indianapolis, gets his girl, nancy comes in clutch and covers for him. then we stay back to entertain will. see not that hard." lucas smiled at his friends, "so food?"

"i'm so down." dustin perked up.

"i'll drive since the knight and shining armor over here probably needs to save his gas. also just to be nice since you're gonna make my best friend happy." max said with sweetness laced through her voice.

"i thought i was your best friend." lucas joked, earning a laugh from the rest of the group.

they all made their way out of the basement, determined to pull off this plan for the next few days.


a/n: i hope y'all enjoyed!! thanks for reading.

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