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*one week later*

eleanor still had not texted mike yet. it's not like she didn't want to, but ina way it sorta felt wrong. she slightly cursed herself for not giving him her number instead of the other way around, cause this way meant she had to make the first move.

she pulled on the handle to her and will's small car and slid into the drivers seat, waiting for her brother to join her. it was friday and the two siblings had made plans to go out to a local diner for dinner since both of their parents took extra shifts tonight. eleanor had insisted on driving. she figured it would be a better distraction than sitting in the passengers seat with her phone just taunting her the entire ride.

"i thought we were gonna meet at our usual spot? why are you sitting in the car?" will questioned once he opened the passenger door and got situated in his seat.

"just hungry, let's go." eleanor responded, not even attempting to look at her brother. she put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot, focused only on the road in front of her. the ride was quiet and awkward, but luckily short for the two siblings.

the diner was only a good ten mins from school, one of the spots most kids would go after classes. it was cute and old fashioned, the inside lined with bright teal booths and black checkered tiles.

the duo sat down in a booth closest to the front entrance, both of them ordering drinks and picking up their menus to decide what they wanted to eat. will slowly pulled his menu away from his face, studying his sister in front of him.

"alright, what's wrong?" he sighed, placing his menu out on the table in front of him.

"nothing... i just can't seem to figure out if the special comes with fries or not." the small girl responded, keeping her focus on the laminated paper in front of her. she was completely missing her brother's point.

"no not that. what's wrong with you? you've been acting weird ever since the party left and you've barley looked at me at all in the past thirty minutes. did someone say something wrong to you while they were here? cause if someone did you know i'll say something to them. i -"

eleanor brought the menu away from her face, folding it back up carefully and placing it in front of her, "no one said anything or did anything wrong will..."

"then why do you look so upset?" her brother questioned quietly.

eleanor took a deep breath, deciding if telling her brother about her confusing feelings towards his best friend would be a good idea or not.

she swirled the menu around the table with one finger, earning a concerned look from the boy in front of her. she couldn't lie to him about this. what if something did happen between her and mike? imagine his reaction then. wouldn't it be best to get it over with now?

"mike..." she started, making her brother sit straight up defensively at his name. he was about to interrupt but she spoke over him, "he gave me his number before... everyone left." she suddenly felt stupid for telling him this information, what if he didn't think it was a big deal?

"oh... why?" he awkwardly asked, very confused as to why she would be upset about that.

"he said he wanted to get to know me better... like me as a person. i told him he could text me and then he gave me his number." she admitted.

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