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eleanor climbed slowly over the sleeping red head next to her, carefully trying not to wake her up. however eleanor didn't really need to be careful since max could probably sleep through literally anything, she still tried her best to be as quiet as possible. she made her way into the bathroom to freshen up before meeting her father in the kitchen.

each sunday, the two always made breakfast together. it was tradition since it was the only day out of the week where they could actually spend the mornings together without getting interrupted. despite the hawkins kids still being in their home, this tradition still remained.

hopper didn't spend much time around the hawkins kids while they were here this weekend. to be honest, he didn't really care to. the only thing he cared about was staying far away from his hormone filled home, even if that meant taking some extra hours. however since it was sunday, he had to suffer... only for eleanor.

"morning sleepy head. i didn't think you were gonna join me today."  her father greeted her as she walked into the kitchen, rubbing the top of her head as she walked pasted him.

eleanor rolled her eyes at her father before making her way across the kitchen. she tried to reach for the bowls at the top of the shelf but another hand swiftly reached it before hers.

"waffles?" her father asked, tossing the bowl back and forth in his hands.

she smiled, happy her father knew exactly what she thinking. the two began grabbing and collecting their needed ingredients quietly, occasionally giggling or making small talk but carefully trying their best not to be too loud considering everyone else was still asleep. well... so they thought.

mike rolled over in his sleep, bumping into the side of lucas's arm. this earned him some inaudible mumbling and a hand swat but the raven haired boy refused to return to his original position.

"bro... get off my arm." lucas whispered into the slightly sunlit room.

"i would, but i'd rather sleep on your arm than have dustin keep breathing in my face." mike countered back, still refusing to open his eyes.

"i don't care if he's breathing in your face. my arm is going numb." lucas whispered a bit louder and than before.

"you don't complain when max is laying on you." mike smirked, cuddling up against his friend to mock their relationship.

lucas was about to smack the boy off of him until he was interrupted by another small whisper coming from the other side of dustin.

"you guys awake?" will quietly asked, peaking his head up to look at the rest of the boys.

"i guess we are now... dustin's not though." lucas informed.

"el and my dad are making breakfast... if you guys are hungry." will said while slowly starting to sit up, rubbing his eyes as he continued, "they always make like waffles or stuff like that on sundays."

"waffles?? say no more. i'll go wake up max, there's no way that girl woke up early to make food with them." lucas pushed mike off him before standing up and making his way towards eleanor's room.

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