thirty nine.

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saying eleanor was nervous about prom was a complete understatement.

it wasn't until joyce finished sculpting her honey locks into the most perfect curly bun and she had slipped back into the familiar dark navy fabric when all the terrible things that could possibly happen tonight occurred to her. not only did she realize that tonight she would be putting mike on full display in front all the girls at her school but the idea of her ex and her love being in the same room...

let's just say it made her want to put her cute freckled faced boyfriend in a box and ship him off to the next country.

but there was still a feeling in the bottom of her stomach that told her there was absolutely no way she was going to let anyone... not even jason tyler ruin her one night to remember. nope, not after all the hell he had turned her senior year into over the past few months.

"sweetie?" joyce's voice interrupted her thoughts, distracting her from the negativity flooding her mind. her mother slowly peaked her head around the wooden door frame that entered her bathroom, taking a moment to soak in her daughter's beauty as she watched her tap her cheekbones with just a bit more glittery highlighter. "i believe there is a certain boy here to see you."

the small girl nodded, quickly picking up the small star studs off her bathroom counter and placing them in her ears before rushing to grab the navy tie resting on her bed. "do i look... okay?"

"you look beautiful... absolutely stunning sweetheart." her step mother walked closer to her, carefully tucking one of her daughter's loose curls behind her ear as she cracked a wholesome smile, "i left your father out there alone to entertain all three boys. you should probably get out there and save him."

eleanor giggled, fidgeting a bit with the silk fabric in her hands before taking a deep breathe. she shyly followed joyce out of her bedroom, trailing close behind as they both entered into the living room.

tonight was going to be amazing.


it wasn't surprising in the least that once eleanor made the slightest bit of an appearance in front of the boys all conversation faltered, completely stealing any trace of left over words that could have fallen out of each of their mouths. at first, the silence in the room seemed to float heavy in the air... eleanor blushing as she noticed the awestruck plastered on her boyfriend's face.

"i mean if you don't get up and kiss her, i will." brandon practically snorted, immediately shattering the silence and earning a playful nudge on the shoulder from his boyfriend.

however the snarky boy's comment snapped mike out of his trance, allowing him to stand up from his comfortable position on the couch next to her father and graciously make his way towards his girlfriend. he didn't say anything at first. he only slid his hands down her arms, his eyes admiring every aspect of her small frame before leaning down and pressing a chaste of a kiss to her forehead.

eleanor smiled shyly, paying no attention to the rest of her family as they all started to disperse and talk amongst themselves. the brunette gently wrapped the navy silk around his neck, her hands trembling a bit as she tried avoid his wide wandering eyes.

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