thirty five.

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*three months later*

"come on!! pleaaaassssse for me?!" eleanor pleaded as she tilted her head at her computer screen, the hood of her winnie the pooh onesie falling over to one side.

"absolutely not." the raven haired boy scrunched his nose at her in disapproval like a toddler, managing to shake his head of fluffy dark curls back and forth vigorously despite being curled up in his bed at the moment.

mike had to admit, it was extremely difficult denying his beautiful love's wishes especially considering the fact that she looked absolutely adorable right now. but nonetheless... over the past few months he'd discovered that getting on her nerves was far more fun.

what can he say? it's simply tough love.

the small girl crossed her arms dramatically before falling backwards onto her pillows behind her, his contagious laugh escaping from her laptops speakers. "you're so boringgg."

"oh i'm boring?" the raven haired boy teased before rolling his eyes, even though it was pointless for him to do so because his girlfriend was currently paying him not one ounce of attention by staring at the ceiling above her. "if i recall correctly it was your choice to call me when you couldn't fall asleep. you coulda called max, or lucas or dustin or bran- "

"ughhh." the brunette grumbled as she pushed herself up from the plush cushions, leaning her face close to the screen to showcase her honey orbs to her boyfriend. "why can't you just sing me one song?"

"because i can't sing, baby love. i've already told you that like eighty million times." the freckled faced faced boy held back another laugh as he proped himself up on one elbow, completely amused by how upset she was getting. "did you want me to sing you to sleep? is that why you're so upset?" he faked a pout, mocking her puppy dog eyes before flashing her a heart throbbing smile.

"mayyybe..." eleanor mumbled, playing with a thin strand of her hair and attempting to avoid his soft gaze that was plastered on the screen in front of her.

however, she failed to avoid the blush that flushed her cheeks as the word escaped from her lips. although, the couple had been together for almost five months now, it was was still difficult for her to stay focused everytime he gave her that... look.

truly, he didn't even have to try and her heart would still jump out of her chest and run laps around her.

"is there a particular reason why you want me to sing you to sleep, baby love?" the raven haired boy smirked, but his joking quickly faded after noticing a strange soft emotion take over her features for a split second. it wasn't an unfamiliar emotion... definitely one he's seen before. it was similar to the look she gave him when they pulled up to lovers lake back in december. the same look she gave him before he thought she was going to admit... well it. "you okay?"

"um. i - didn't say anything?" the small girl let out a nervous laugh, fixing her hood in a matter of fact way.

"oh but you did. your face told me everything." he leaned closer to his screen, squinting suspiciously at the brunette. however, eleanor didn't budge. she simply let a small giggle before stretching her arms up and dropping them back down on her mattress with a sigh.

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