thirty four.

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*trigger warning*
some sensitive topics will be briefly discussed or hinted. this includes shy mentions of abuse and ptsd.

baby boy ⭐️🤍

good morning my love. ❤️
i hope you have a great first day back.
i miss you and your cute face so much.

i miss you more mikey ❤️
ngl, i feel kinda weird today

like you don't feel good??

no no
idk it feels like ever since i got to school everyone is like staring at me 👀
i'm just over here tryna mind business, you know

i'm sure it's nothing baby.

i guess...



they don't matter.

i know i know
it's just... idk kinda makes me uncomfortable

i'm right here.
just a few hours then you'll get to go home and i'll call you okay? ❤️


i promise.
Delivered 8:03 am.
you okay?
it's been almost two hours.
Delivered 9:58 am.
i'm concerned.
you always respond like instantly.
even when you're not supposed to.
Delivered 11:27 am.
im calling you.
Delivered 12:55 pm.

incoming call from
baby boy ⭐️🤍...

missed call from
baby boy ⭐️🤍...

i will literally drive over there right now.
did something happen?
Delivered 1:27 pm.
i'm serious, do you need me to drive over there??
Read 2:03 pm.

i wish you could.

jesus fuck.
what happened??
i literally had to fucking call will to make sure you were still alive.
can you tell me what's wrong?


we both know that's a lie baby.
plus you used a period... that's a dead giveaway.
we all know this.
what happened??

i already told you this morning
making me feel uncomfy

what else were they doing to make you uncomfy baby??

some girls in my first period were... saying stuff
i thought they were just staring at me until some really nice girl pulled me aside after class and told me what they were saying

what were they saying??


baby love.

it's embarrassing
it's jason's fault
i know he told everyone something because of what happened before break...

what did he tell everyone?

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