twenty eight.

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*a few days later*

my love ⭐️🤍

are you awake yet?
or are you still a sleepy boy?
you fell asleep on the phone with me last night which was very cute btw 🥰🥰
you snore very loud though
i had to turn the volume down

i am still a very sleepy boy.
i dunno why but all my teachers decided to make us take tests this week.
so i've been studying non stop and then that stupid competition on friday didn't help.
my brain is fried.
i do not snore.

it's cause it's the week before christmas break baby boyyy
would you rather take them whenever you get back?
oh yes you do 🥰

i'd rather not take them at all.
it's only fucking sunday.
the week hasn't even started.
why do i feel soooo exhausted??
no i don't.

uh be more grateful mikey
it's sunday meaning were only like what... um a weekish from seeing eachother
so be happy and get your cute butt uppp

ugh it's like 10 o'clock in the morninggg.
why are you in such a good mood?
you're not a morning person.
i've witnessed it first hand.

excuse me, i'm ina good mood because i'm looking at the positive side of things

ughhh that's too long.
i wanna see you now.
and everyday.
it's not fair.

aw i wish i could see you everyday too love
but it's okay... we have a week and then we get to be cute
and maybe dustin and lucas??
is that weird idk??

you're too fucking adorable.
i do know max is getting you something.
and obviously i am too.
idk about dustin and lucas though. i can ask them.

oh no i haven't gotten anything
ima a bad friend
and a bad girlfriend
what does max like?
besides lucas

no no you're not baby.
just you showing up is the greatest present.
shouldn't you know what she likes?

ok stop being cute
i'm too stressed to flirt back with you right now
i do know what she likes but you see her everyday... you know what she has already

there's no reason to stress loveee.
she's a girl... she likes all girl things.
plus skateboards and shit.

i have a week ugh
i can probably go tomorrow after school
i'll make will go with me
just so i don't get the wrong things
i really just wanna lay here all day
wait have you already gotten my present?

yes ma'am.
it is safe underneath the tree as we speak.
nancy helped me pick it out.
she wants to meet you btw.
she very interested in the girl who stole my heart. 🥺🥺❤️❤️

shut uppppp
i can hear your sarcasm through the screen

lemme mess with youuu babeee.
but i'm not kidding about her wanting to meet you.
she really does.
she very surprised you actually like me back.

sometimes i question it too

you're so mean.
ima go hang out with lucas and ignore you since you said that to me.
i'm offended.

oh you would NEVER

oh but i WOULD.
aw fuck.
he's with max.
now ima have to sit here until they're done being gross.
i wanted to watch that new showwww with him... idk if you saw it but they're like nazi hunters.

aw cuties, leave them alone
you didn't have to listen to max on friday and she was so upset
what... are you talking about?

it's on amazon prime.
they're literally just nazi hunters.
al pacino is in it.

*adorable 🥰
al pacino
hmmm... why didn't you want me to watch it with you? why does it have to be lucas?
what's it called?

i think it's called hunters?
yea hunters.
look it up.
jordan peele directed it.
i didn't know if you'd be into it or not.
i mean we can if you want to.

hmm never heard of it
ugh he's so hot

excuse me?
no he's not.

but he is
you can't deny that
you definitely can't say he's ugly

he's not ugly but he's not hot either.
i've decided we're not watching it together.

awww why not?
forever my jealous baby huh? 🥰

i am.

it's okay you're hotter
we should still watch it though, it looks interesting
i promise i won't make any comments about logan lerman if we do watch it together

my hearts still healing from you calling another man hot.

another man that i'll probably never meet in my entire lifetime
you're so dramatic baby
i miss you
soooo muchhhh

i miss you more.
i really can't wait until next week.
i need you here.
i can't wait to show you around hawkins.
i really think you're gonna love it.

i can't wait ❤️
i'm so excited
i wanna see everything

and i'll show you everything love.
oh shit max and lucas are coming over to watch the first episode.
they are done being gross.
take notice how i said they're done and i'm not interrupting them.
i should probably get outta bed.
i'll facetime you when they get here.
it'll be like a cute double date.

that's so cute but also really depressing at the same time
just you laying on the couch with your phone while max and lucas are all cuddled up together on another couch
wait why don't you invite dustin?
i'm always concerned about dusty

he's at work.
plus it's not the same.
dustin isn't you and i'm sure as fuck not gonna cuddle with him.
he can't be apart of our double date.
well... it's depressing when you put it like that.

very true
dusty could never be me
but you'd still cuddle with lucas
i'm never gonna let that go
you gonna call right now?

oof we've been over this.
but yes ma'am, i'll call you rn.
they're on their way.
i told them you wanted to watch too and max is very excited.

ugh this is so cute
okay okay

okay lemme change and i'll call you.
sound good love? ❤️

yes sir
just call me already

i am i am.
geez and i'm the clingy one.

my love ⭐️🤍
would like to facetime...


a/n: thanks for reading!!

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