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mike wheeler ⭐️

Delivered 5:08 am.

goodmorning :)
someone was up early

yea i crashed at lucas's house last night.
so i woke up super early before my parents could realize i was gone.

they don't like you out late?

they don't like parties.
my older sister used to party a lot when she in highschool and would sneak out all the time.
my mom hated it.

i could imagine
how old is your sister?

i have 2 sisters, holly is younger.
but nancy, she's the same age as jonathan.
they even dated for a while too but i'm not completely sure if they are still together since he's so far, you know.

she lives at home?

no, she goes to IWU.
so not far but still away from home.

well was the party at least fun?

at first it was.
then dustin got us kicked out soooo.

kicked out?

nicole williams was trying to talk to me.
so he "accidentally" pushed her into the bowl of vodka punch.

dusty buns got aggressive

can't really blame him though.
honestly i woulda done the same thing if his ex was tryna talk to him.

she's your ex?

we dated for a few months last year.
but then i found out she was just using me to make her ex jealous.

max told me the only girlfriend you had was freshman year

did she just shit talk me the entire time we were there?

no no
she was just very intrigued after our conversation on the hill
so she told me things about you

of course she was.
i'm hoping good things?

you could say that

oh great.
but no i have not only had one girlfriend before.
if i'm being honest i'm pretty sure i dated nicole while her and lucas were broken up for a while... ik they went through some things last year.
maybe that's why she doesn't remember.

probably why
i'm sorry nicole did that to you though... at least dustin gave her some type of karma

it's okay i wasn't really that hurt when we broke up. i was more disappointed in myself for being so stupid.
if i'm being honest she wasn't really my type anyways.

so if she wasn't your type...
what is your type?

um... i'm not sure.
i just like people who are authentic and genuine, but if you can't tell i haven't really done a good job in finding someone like that.
what about you?
do you have a type?

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