thirty seven.

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"have i ever told you that your boyfriend sounds like a total dork?" the tall brunette boy remarked as he leaned back against kitchen counter, taking a sip of his warm sugary tea while the small girl in front of him plopped two frozen waffles into the toaster.

eleanor couldn't help but to giggle to herself. brandon always had quite the opinion when it came to her beloved boyfriend. of course, it was never anything bad. he was just always very quick to point out how cheesy mike always came off over text.

"he's just cute and sarcastic. sorry we can't all be as sophisticated as you, bran." eleanor teased, reaching over to poke her brother's boyfriend's cheek. "did you read it all though? can i have my phone back now?"

"sure did." the tired boy handed over the sleek white device. "so what color dress are you getting? red or pink... or white?" brandon winked, pushing himself off the light wood and smirking as he made his way towards the living room.

"ugh stop mocking him, he's sweet." the small girl sighed before grabbing her waffles out of the toaster and joining the brunette on the couch. "besides, it was just a silly comment. i'm sure he wasn't actually implying that he... well you know... wants to marry me."

the boy next to her rolled his eyes, pulling his lanky legs close to his body on the plush cushions. "don't be so dense. you'd have to absolutely blind to not realize that boy is hopelessly in love with you."

the comment made eleanor instinctively reach for the dantiy chain that had been resting around her neck for nerarly the past five months now, gently twisting the small star back and forth while she attempted to avoid brandon's smug gaze. it had become a habit for her to play with the piece of silver whenever she was anxious... it was a small reminder that her cute freckled faced boy was still with her even though in reality he was actually miles away.

well... was he?

"jesus fucking christ, that lovesick puppy hasn't told you yet has he?" brandon nearly choked, trying his best not to laugh at the small girl, her face slowly turning a pale shade of pink. "what the fuck is he waiting for?"

"we've only been dating for a few months. i don't wanna rush anything and i know mike is super sentimental. he's probably just waiting for the perfect moment to - "

"so? that didn't stop me and will." the tall boy suddenly blurted, instantly regretting his words the second they left his mouth.

there was an brief silence between the two before someone finally spoke up, brandon awkwardly placing his cup on the small table in front of them before standing up from the couch. "uhm... well i'm gonna go wake up will now. can you like put on the office or something to make me forget that i just told you that?"

eleanor twisted the star around her neck one more time before looking up at the brunette. honestly, she couldn't help but to feel slightly jealous of the fact that brandon and will had already established their feelings for each other. of course, she was happy for the pair... she absolutely adored their relationship. but her brother's sassy boyfriend was right, what exactly was mike waiting for?

actually at this point... what was she waiting for?

nonetheless the small girl nodded slowly, completely blocking the question from her mind as she watched the boy swiftly turn around on his heels and make his way towards her brother's bedroom.

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