twenty two.

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"your parents are divorced?"

"yes sir."

"who do you stay with?"

"my mom, if i'm being honest i haven't seen my dad much since everything happened. he doesn't reach out... draw two."

"do you reach out to him?"

"sometimes... i never get a response though."

"sorry to hear bout that kid... draw four... ummm blue."

"it's okay... do you um... think el will like what i have planned... for tonight?"

the brunette's father lightly laughed to himself, "based off everything you just told me... i'm sure she'll love it. i know i'm supposed to hate you cause i'm her dad but if i'm being honest... i've never seen her so happy. i'm surprised you thought of all this in just one day."

"i've had it planned for a while but the whole change of location happened when... well you know."

"when i fucked everything up?"

"WOAH SIR, i didn't mean it like - " the raven haired boy put his hands up defensively, quickly turning the cards that were still in his grasp so his not so yet girlfriend's father couldn't see them.

the older man chuckled, completely amused by his reaction, "i'm messing with you... oh and by the way... uno."

"what?!? how did you - "

"i'm older than you kid, meaning i'm wiser and better at uno... now go wake up sleeping beauty, it's almost noon." her father laughed again as he watched the boy stand up and walk away from the small dining table in defeat, "oh and leave the door open three inches... i might like you but i still have to be a dad."

the raven hair boy shook his head as he descended down the hallway, lightly knocking on the wooden door before slowly peaking inside.

the small girl was still wrapped up in her fluffy peach colored quilt, breathing contently as the boy made his way to sit on the edge of her bed. he pushed one of her honey colored waves from her face, letting his hand careless her cheekbone slightly before speaking, "el... you gotta wake up."

he heard her mumble a few disgusted words before she completely tucked her face underneath her blankets. the boy smiled at her adorable actions but decided to mess with her. "okay fine... i'll just go back to hanging out with your dad. he's cooler anyways." he said as he stood up from the mattress. he didn't even have enough time to fake walking away as one of her hands quickly grabbed ahold of one of his.

"... come... lay..." she responded quietly as she pulled on his arm, her voice still slightly scratchy from just waking up.

"i would but we have plans... big plans. i need you to get ready." he comforted her. as much as the boy wanted to spend the day laying around with her... he could do that tomorrow. today, he really wanted everything he had planned to go as perfect as possible.

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