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Lou stared at Olivia and Amanda with wide eyes. She never did expect to see her ex again, let alone seeing her ex and her ex's wife. 

"The kids are with my wife... I should get back to them." Lou spoke quickly as she tried to recover from this all. Olivia sighed before leaning back in to kiss Amanda. 

"Actually, let me bring them over here so they can see you," Lou spoke, but Olivia shook her head as she stood. She grabbed Lou's arm and stopped her.

"When we got a divorce, you said that I didn't get to see the kids. I have partial custody, but to make things easier on all of us, I agreed to just let you do your thing. Let you take care of the children you carried. So let's leave it at that." Olivia spoke quickly.

"Did you ever even love our children?" Lou growled as she looked back at Amanda. Olivia could tell that Lou was jealous, and Olivia found it funny.

"Don't look at my wife like that and don't make it seem like I didn't do everything in my power to let you stay home with the kids. I love them and that will never change... but I moved on. My wife and I are happy. I don't know if you can say that about you and your wife. But go find out. Leave us alone." Olivia ordered. She stepped back and grabbed Amanda's hand before pulling her to her feet.

They walked quickly down the path and Amanda looked at her wife.

"You are one tough bitch." Amanda smiled and Olivia sighed.

"I'm going to start crying soon so please get me to the car."


The next morning, Olivia was still a little upset about the night before but she was ready to go to work with Elliot and introduce her wife to everyone. She had kept up with the crew and got to meet the new people who worked there.

"Are you ready to meet everyone?" Olivia questioned, as she held her wife on the ride up to the Sex Crimes floor.

"I am... I've always been interested in this type of unit."

"Have you guys thought about moving here? We'd love to have you both close by. The kids love you, Liv. And they tolerate you, Amanda." Elliot smiled. Amanda smacked his arm as she chuckled.

"We'd have to get Serena and the kids to move back here," Olivia spoke, she watched as the doors opened before moving her wife forward. They walked out and Elliot stopped them.

"I think that maybe you guys should just move here. Please. We need two amazing detectives to help us. We lost Monique and Cassidy, and John and Cragen are getting old. We need two people that can keep up with the rest of us." Elliot spoke. He was smiling still, and Olivia sighed.

"Elliot, I can't work," Olivia spoke.

"Why not? C'mon! It will be fun!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Elliot-" Amanda started, but Elliot shook his head.

"Get reinstated. You two can stay with me until you can get a place and get all your stuff moved here. We can work together and it will be like before! Benson and Stabler back in action. Kicking ass and taking names!" Elliot smiled.

"I'm pregnant, Elliot. I can't work and won't work until the baby is born. I won't put our baby in danger." Olivia spoke. Elliot's eyes went wide.

"Pregnant?" He spoke quietly.

"We were going to tell you on Christmas morning, but instead I had to tell you now because you can't lay off." Olivia sighed.

"How far along?" Elliot asked.

"Edging on 4 months. I'm on medicine to help with my clotting problems and this baby is healthy." Olivia spoke. Elliot's lips slowly moved into a smile, and he quickly stepped forward and hugged Olivia tightly. He spun her around as he laughed.

"This is amazing, Liv! Congrats to both of you!"


Olivia walked down the stairs after checking on the kids. She and Amanda were watching the kids while Jennifer and Elliot got a date night. She walked to where the doorbell was getting rang loudly, and she slowly opened the door.

"Louanne." Olivia frowned.

"Olivia, can we talk?" She asked quietly.

"Lou, like I said last night, leave me alone."

"I had another baby after you and I got a divorce. I put your name on the birth certificate. You are legally her mother." Lou spoke. Olivia's eyes went wide as tears burned her eyes.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I wanted you to pay more child support," Lou admitted. Olivia's eyes went wide.

"Is that why it went for $350 to $500?" Olivia asked. She hated that Lou had another baby just to get more money from her.

"I didn't want to work... I'm sorry. Please forgive me and-"

"Don't tell me to take you back! Lou, I'm not paying you support for a child I haven't even met. I don't know her name and I haven't gotten a chance to bond with her. What you did was horrible, and I'll never be able to forgive you for that..."

"Liv!" Lou cried.

"Shut up! Louanne, I'm moving on! Why don't you move on with your wife and the kids she should have to help pay for! I'm starting a family of my own and I can't afford for you to screw me over again!"

"You're pregnant? The blonde bimbo?" Lou growled. Olivia ran her fingers through her hair before brushing tears from her cheeks.

"Lou, you are fucked up. Leave me alone. And in regards to my baby, he or she will never be any of your business. So go away!" Olivia yelled. She slammed the door in Lou's face before locking it tightly. She turned around and saw Amanda sitting there.

"Are you okay?" She asked, and Olivia bit her lip before shaking her head.

"Lou had another baby and put my name on everything. That's why I've been paying $500 a month... because now I have three kids. Legally." Olivia whispered. Amanda frowned before drawing Olivia close.

"It's okay." She whispered.

"I'm stronger than this, Amanda. It's just two nights in a row I'm going to bed crying."

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