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Four weeks after Olivia went to Arizona to only come back a day later, Amanda and Olivia went in for an ultrasound that would determine the gender of their child. Hunter was now just one month short of a year old, so not only were her mothers busy planning her birthday party, but they were also trying to decide when the best time to tell their friends about the baby would be. 

"So, I feel like doing another gender-neutral name would be good for this little girl," Amanda spoke, as she held her wife's hand as they walked slowly towards Olivia's doctor's office.

"Like what one, Mandy? Because Hunter was really the only one we had on our baby name list that could have been boy and girl. The rest of them were super girly." Olivia spoke. She looked over at her wife who had a large smile on her lips as she swung Olivia's arm back and forth a bit.

"I have a new list." Amanda grinned.

"Oh really? So you are making lists without me?" Olivia huffed a bit, even if she was amused by her wife.

"Yes. I'm naming this baby without you." Amanda laughed.

They made it into the building and Olivia got checked in. They didn't have to wait long before being taken back. Olivia had to get her usual checkup, before being sent to a different room where the ultrasound would be performed. Amanda was shooting out names to use for what they assumed was their second daughter, and the name Austin really stood out to them both.

"So, you two are pretty certain that it's going to be a girl, huh?" The tech smiled, as he settled down onto the stool beside the examination table. Olivia was laying back, her shirt rolled up and her eyes already glued to the screen. She didn't want to lose any time looking at her baby if she was looking at the tech instead.

"We have a daughter already, and we think that maybe we are just meant to be girl moms," Amanda spoke, as she caressed Olivia's hair gently.

"Do you have a name yet? Because I'd wait if I was you. My wife and I have three boys, and we thought our forth was really another boy, turned out to be a girl." The tech smiled.

"We are thinking Austin... but we might change our mind if this baby surprises us," Olivia spoke. The tech smiled and nodded before going about the scan. He made sure that the baby was measuring right in regards to length and weight, before looking more in-depth at the baby's head and heart to make sure there weren't any defects.

"Okay, so now I'm going to see if your little one is in the right position for us to see what he or she is." The tech spoke, and Olivia nodded as she stared intently at the screen. She wanted a girl so badly, that she was worried if she'd be able to love a boy as much as she'd be able to love a little girl.

"Austin will work." The tech spoke.

"What?" Amanda asked.

"It's gender-neutral. It'll work for a girl, but in this case... it'll work for your little boy."


Amanda kept glancing over at her wife as they drove home after the appointment. Olivia was anxiously shaking her leg as she stared out the window and tried to focus on something. Anything.

"Hey, so are you okay?" Amanda asked.

"No." Olivia breathed, as she turned her head slowly and looked at her wife.

"Okay, wanna tell me why?" Amanda asked as they came to a stop in the middle of midday traffic.

"I... after my miscarriage, the doctor's sent me a report that told me what they knew about the baby. What caused the miscarriage... I was far enough along that they could be pretty certain about the gender of the baby by just doing a blood test... I didn't look at it until I was in the hospital..." Olivia whispered.

"Liv, was your baby a boy?" Amanda breathed. Olivia sniffled before nodding slowly.

"He was." Olivia sobbed. Amanda reached over and gently caressed her wife's cheek as she leaned into her hand.

"Babe, I'm so sorry... but just because you lost that little guy doesn't mean that you'll lose our little man." Amanda breathed.

"I feel like I will, though. That I'll hurt him or something... I cannot lose another baby, Mandy." Olivia sobbed. Amanda leaned close and hugged her wife since traffic wasn't moving at all. She covered her face in kisses before caressing her hair.

"My love, he is perfect. Completely healthy. He won't be leaving us any time soon. Do you understand?"

"Yeah," Olivia whispered. She moved her hands to her bump and rubbed it gently as their little boy kicked within.

"I don't want to name him Austin." Olivia sniffled.

"Yeah, me neither. We can save that for our next daughter. I think he should have a special name. Just for him."


At Hunter's birthday, Amanda and Olivia decided to just tell their friends about their son. It was easier to do it then since they were all together. After celebrating Hunter all day, they sat everyone down while Hunter was finally crashing from all the sugar she had consumed.

"Okay, so we found out that we are having a little boy." Olivia blurted out, as she sat beside Amanda and rubbed her leg gently.

"What?" Elliot asked, as his eyes lit up.

"We were surprised, but the tech confirmed it. We are for sure having a son." Amanda grinned.

"That's amazing! Just be warned that boys are messy. Trust me." Jenni laughed from where she sat with Harrison on her lap.

"I know that by now... since I have watched your three boys grow up. But we are prepared. We even have his name picked out." Olivia spoke. 

"Don't tease us, woman! Tell us!" Elliot grinned. He was so excited to have a nephew, that he wasn't even bothering to hide it.

"Theodore David Houston-Rollins." Olivia smiled, as she gently ran her hand over her stomach. At 24 weeks pregnant, she couldn't wait to meet her son. There was still a while before Theodore would be with them, but once he was, everything would be perfect.

"I'm not calling him Theodore, dude," Elliot spoke.

"Uh, you'll be calling him what he is named." Amanda laughed.

"Nah, his name is going to be Teddy. I dare you to fight me on it."

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