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Elliot had been by Olivia's side through everything she had experienced with Lou. Well, almost everything. They didn't meet before the miscarriage, but he knew all about it. And he saw first hand how Lou treated Olivia. So he was feeling like Olivia was feeling. That this was all just some emotional warfare that Lou was using to hurt Olivia.

"So, what do you want to do?" Elliot asked, as he ran his fingers gently over Olivia's hand.

"I have no idea. I really just want to take care of the kids, to be their mother... but then I also feel like Amanda still isn't ready. My past is much more complicated than hers because I have kids. They aren't biologically my children, but my name is written on their birth certificates. I was paying child support for those kids for years. But I just don't know if the right step for my family is to bring my past into what our future is." Olivia sighed. She looked over at her friend and frowned as he kept his eyes down.

"Okay. So how old are the kids?"

"Ten and eight... Nicole might be almost nine. I can't remember." Olivia breathed.

"Hunter will lose her role as big sister."

"She'll still be a big sister, but just to Teddy and Cora," Olivia replied.

"Olivia, you need to do what is best for yourself and for your family."

"But I don't know who my family is right now. All I have is a three-year-old, a two-year-old, a baby, and Amanda. Like, where do Mathias and Nicole fit in?" Olivia sighed.

"Olivia, you should be talking to Amanda about this and not me."

"I need someone else to talk too. Someone that I can bounce ideas off of especially because whatever I decide won't affect them." Olivia grumbled. 


"I'm going to go then. I'll see you later." Olivia sighed. She leaned close and placed a soft kiss to Elliot's temple before hugging him tightly.

"I love you, Liv!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Yeah... I love you too."


Olivia went and picked up Hunter from school before taking her to pick up groceries. By the time they got home, Amanda was already out backing grilling chicken for dinner.

"Hunter!" Teddy cried, as his big sister came running through the open back door.

"Teddy! I got to play on the swings today!" Hunter exclaimed, as she grabbed her baby brother's hand and led him over to their playset.

"Hunter Louise!" Amanda called, and Hunter stopped and looked at her mother.

"Yeah, Mama?"

"Where's your Mommy?"

"She's inside putting the food away. She said that I could come out and play with Teddy!"

"Okay. I'm going to go talk to her real quick. Don't touch the grill." Amanda spoke, before turning and walking into the house. Olivia had taken Cora from her bouncer and had managed to tuck her into a wrap across her chest as she put groceries away.

"Hey, so where'd you go?" Amanda asked as she moved to where her wife had a hand placed against Cora's back as she put like three gallons of milk into the fridge.

"I went to talk to Elliot, then to pick up our little girl, and then we went grocery shopping together," Olivia spoke.

"Why didn't you call me?" Amanda asked.

"Because I was overwhelmed and a little upset. Mandy, but I came home. I'm still a little overwhelmed but doing better."

"So, did you and Elliot decide on what we are going to be doing?" Amanda sighed.

"Mandy, he told me that I should be talking to you and not him. So I stopped talking to him and tonight we should try to talk."

"Do you want to see the kids? Have them stay here sometimes?" Amanda asked, and Olivia shrugged as she looked down at her sleeping little girl.

"As I said, let's talk tonight. I don't want Hunter and Teddy to hear us if we start to fight. So I'm going to finish up here and then set the table. I'm thinking that we could try and eat on the patio table tonight?"

"If you insist." Amanda sighed softly. She kissed Olivia's cheek before smacking her ass as she walked away.


They decided that what was best for their family was to not push away Olivia's past. That they should welcome it and introduce their children to their other siblings. Olivia talked to Lou, and they planned a day where Mathias and Nicole could come over and get to know their three younger siblings.

"Are you excited, baby?" Olivia asked Hunter, as she helped her get dressed for the day.

"Who are these kids I'm meeting today?" Hunter questioned. She sat on the edge of her bed as Olivia knelt in front of her and tied on her favorite high tops. They were purple, which was Hunter's favorite color. She wanted everything she owned to be purple, and Olivia and Amanda tried their hardest to get her clothes in purple whenever they could.

"So, before I met your Mama and before I had you in my belly... I was married to another woman. We were together for years, and we had been in love. And just like with you and Teddy, our love led us to have babies. So the kids you are meeting today are your brother and sister. Mathias is your older brother and Nicole is your older sister."

"Are they going to come here and live with us? Nicole and I could share a room... as long as she loves purple!" Hunter exclaimed. Olivia smiled before leaning close and kissing the tip of her nose.

"You are the sweetest, baby. Now, just be on your best behavior. Be nice, but if you get uncomfortable just tell me or Mama."

"Okay... do you think they'll like me?" Hunter asked, as she jumped off her bed and ran to look at herself in the mirror. She stood there and swayed back and forth to make her skirt move.

"I think so. I just hope you like them."

"Oh, can I ask you another question, Mommy?" Hunter spoke, as she stopped moving and turned around to look at her mother.

"Ask me anything."

"Do you us as much as you love them? Like-"

"I love all of my children equally, Hunter. And I love you all so very much." Olivia said with a soft smile.

A Case Reopened [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now