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Amanda woke up and found that her bag was packed and sitting at the foot of the bed. Another outfit was sitting on top of it, and Olivia's bags were gone. Amanda quickly went downstairs and found Olivia sitting on the couch as she nursed some tea.

"Hey, what's happening?" Amanda asked quietly.

"We are flying home today. That's what our tickets said." Olivia spoke, before standing and moving to the kitchen.

"But I thought we were staying here... that we were moving here," Amanda spoke. Olivia shook her head before sighing softly.

"I went to Trevor's office and we are no longer pursuing custody of the kids. If you want to stay here... then I guess that it's your choice. But I'm going back to Arizona. We have a house there and you have a job. I have my clients." Olivia spoke.


"Amanda, I know that you said we could work this out... but you don't want three more kids. And biologically they aren't mine so I guess I don't have a right to them anyway... and the only thing I'm doing is stopping my child support payments. Because they aren't my kids." Olivia spoke, before sitting her cup in the sink.

"I'm not sending you and our baby home to Arizona without me. But I do want to look into moving here. I like it here." Amanda spoke. Olivia nodded slowly before turning to look at her wife.

"Sure. But can you go get dressed? We need to get to the airport."


Once Olivia and Amanda landed in Phoenix, they got into their truck and drove home. They lived just down the road from Serena and the kids, so once they pulled in it was like Olivia's family was already there to see them.

"How was Manhattan?" Serena smiled, as she drew her daughter into a hug before covering her face in kisses.

"Okay, Momma, stop!" Olivia exclaimed, as her face grew red. Serena stepped back and smiled.

"I'm sorry, Liv. I've just missed you so much."

"I missed you too. But we are home now. So let's get inside because it's so freaking hot out here." Olivia spoke. Serena nodded before looking at Adam and Liam.

"Would you two mind getting their bags?" Serena questioned.

"Do we have a choice?" Liam asked, and Olivia smiled as she shoved her brother a bit.

"What do you think?" Olivia grinned.

"I feel like I'm going to be doing your laundry when I'm done bringing your shit into the house." Liam laughed, before being dragged into a tight hug.

"Thanks Liam... but I need some help. Like I need you to keep the kids occupied when you are done because I need to talk to Mom."

"Is everything okay?" Liam asked quietly.

"No... not right now. Amanda and I have kinda been fighting and I just found out that I've been paying for another kid that Lou had and put my name on her birth certificate." Olivia breathed. Liam's eyes went wide as he heard Adam yell at him for not helping.

"I'm sorry." He breathed, and Olivia shrugged.

"I'm used to be being screwed over by Lou. She's one of the main reasons I had to go to the mental hospital."

"I wish that you could just focus on your family now. Amanda and the baby." 

"Me too." Olivia sighed.


Liam ended up taking all of the kids to see Lena and her fiance. Serena didn't know why, but she found out shortly thereafter because Olivia asked to talk. Amanda was heading into the precinct, so they were all alone.

"So, how are you feeling?" Serena asked, wondering if that was what Olivia wanted to talk about.

"I'm feeling good. I'm thankful that our baby is growing and soon we will get to meet him." Olivia smiled.

"Him?" Serena asked.

"We don't know if the baby is a boy or girl, we just have a feeling... but the baby isn't what I want to talk about. There is something else that I want to discuss." Olivia spoke.

"Okay? Should I be worried?" Serena asked quietly.

"I don't know... uh, it's just that I saw Lou when we were there. She is remarried and has three kids in total now."

"So she and her new wife had a baby?" Serena asked.

"No. My ex and I had a baby, I guess. She put my name on the birth certificate and for the last four years, I have been paying $500 a month for three kids. One in which I didn't even know about but was still paying for." Olivia sighed.

"Oh god," Serena spoke.

"Momma, we were going to stay in Manhattan so I could have time with the kids. So I could spend time with them and all... but then everything got messy. Amanda doesn't want them even if she won't tell me straight out. And Lou doesn't want me to know them, all she wants is my money. But I'm done paying. If I don't even get to see them, what is the point of paying for them? And I'm sure that Lou is going to eventually just let Ava adopt them anyway." Olivia sighed.

"Wait, so she didn't even tell you about the kid?" Serena asked.

"No, Momma. If she did, you would have known. But I didn't even know..."

"You should have stayed in Manhattan," Serena spoke, and Olivia shook her head.

"This is our home now. This is our house and our baby will be born in the hospital here. He'll sleep in the nursery that we will be making for him. Manhattan isn't even close to our home anymore." Olivia spoke quietly, as she ran her hand gently over her stomach.

"Olivia, Amanda wants what you want. And if you want to have custody of those kids, then she'll want that too." Serena spoke, and Olivia laughed before shaking her head.

"My wife is amazing and all, but she doesn't want to have our child born into a family that has three kids only some time.  I don't want to fight with Amanda. I just want to be happy, and if forcing myself to be happy is the only way, then that is what will happen."

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