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Olivia and Amanda waited till after Christmas to approach the issues that Lou had created all by herself. They focused on the family they had in Manhattan until the new year, and then they went to Trevor Langan to start taking the next steps.

"Are you feeling any better, Olivia?" Trevor asked after he handed Olivia and Amanda each a bottle of water.

"Much better. Thanks for asking, Trevor." Olivia spoke. She settled back in the chair as Trevor sat behind his desk.

"Okay, so how old is the little girl?" He asked as he looked over the notes he had taken from the last meeting he had with Olivia.

"She's four."

"Alright, so she is 48 months old. And you've been paying $500 a month for 4 years..." Trevor trailed off as he moved to get his calculator out.

"Trevor, that's $24,000 that I have paid for four years. If it had only been for Mathias and Nicole, I would have only paid $21,000 for five full years." Olivia spoke. She opened her bottle of water and took a sip from it, before seeing Trevor staring her down.

"How'd you do that so fast?" Trevor questioned as he checked Olivia's answer.

"Trevor, that is a lot of money. A lot of money that could go straight to preparing for our baby." Olivia spoke. 

"I don't know if I can get you all of that. Maybe just the difference." Trevor spoke.

"Oh, but we want custody too," Amanda spoke.

"Huh?" Trevor spoke.

"I changed my mind, Trevor. I want all of my kids."

"Olivia, they aren't biologically your children..." He trailed off.

"I know that, but legally they are. If the courts didn't know that, they wouldn't be making me pay child support." Olivia snapped a bit. Amanda reached over and ran her hand over Olivia's arm before grabbing her hand. She squeezed it tightly and Olivia bit her lip as she closed herself off.

"Trevor, my wife knows what she wants. She isn't asking for complete custody, she just wants time with them. I want time with them too. That little girl deserves to know the person that has been supporting her, her whole life."


Once Olivia signed the papers to get the process started, Trevor faxed them over to Lou's lawyer. She had a really good lawyer and Olivia knew that. She killed Olivia in court and that's why Olivia had gotten fucked over so badly in the divorce.

"So we need to start looking into apartments," Amanda spoke, as she walked from the bathroom and into the room that she and her wife were staying in. Elliot and Jenni were already in bed since the kids were staying with Jenni's parents, so Amanda and Olivia decided to shut themselves in their room too.

"It has to be up to the courts' standards for shared custody," Olivia spoke, as she showed her wife the email that Trevor had sent her.

"So what do we have to do exactly?" Amanda sighed as she sat down on the bed before slipping closer to her wife.

"We have to be able to give them rooms. They can't be sharing one bedroom with the baby." Olivia spoke.

"Okay, so at least a four-bedroom house..." Amanda groaned. Olivia looked at her before locking her phone and sitting it on the table beside her side of the bed.

"Nevermind." Olivia frowned. She sank down under the sheets and closed her eyes tightly as she tried not to scream.

"I want to know the rest of the things... I need to know the rest of the things." Amanda spoke, as she reached out and shoved her wife a bit.

"I know that you seemed okay with this all earlier, but I know you aren't. You are angry about this all, and even about my past. I know that having two kids was bad, but finding out that I had three made everything worse. So if you don't want to have my kids be apart of our life, then just tell me. Then we don't have to go through this all." Olivia spoke. Amanda frowned, before moving closer to her wife. She laid behind her and ran her hands over her body before she found her stomach. She held the small bump in her hands as she kissed Olivia's shoulder.

"I'm just along for the ride, darling." Amanda breathed, but that didn't make matters any better.

"I don't want that, Amanda. I want you to be fully involved and ready for this. I want you to want it too. I just don't want you to let me do what I want. We are partners, and we need to act like it." Olivia breathed. She pushed Amanda away before grabbing her pillow.

"Where are you going?" Amanda asked quickly.

"I'm going to sleep in a race car bed. Joshy said it was super comfy."


Elliot got Olivia up the next morning after finding her in Josh's race car bed. He led her downstairs before making her tea. He then made her toast before sitting everything in front of her.

"Do I look green?" Olivia asked, before taking a sip from her tea.

"Like Grinch green." Elliot smiled.

"Great." Olivia sighed. She sat her tea down before looking at the toast.

"So I heard you and Amanda fighting last night." He spoke quietly.

"We weren't fighting persay."

"Oh really?" Elliot asked.

"Yes! I was just telling her that if she doesn't want the kids in our life, then they won't be. I won't be forcing her into something that she doesn't want."

"You are a good wife, Olivia," Elliot spoke.

"No, I'm not. I suck at being a wife and I will really suck at being a mother. Mathias, Nicole, and whatever the other girl's name is... they have never known me. They never will because I'm calling Trevor soon. Amanda doesn't want this, so it won't be happening... and I think we are going to go back to Arizona. Soon." Olivia spoke.

"I don't want that... don't I get a vote?!" Elliot asked quickly.

"Sorry, Stabler. I feel like I don't even get a vote."

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