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Once Liam left the house in a huff, Olivia finished up what she was doing before turning the lights off in the house and moving down the sidewalk to where her mother lived. When Olivia and Amanda lived here, all of Serena's adult kids lived in the same neighborhood as her. Olivia used her key to unlock the front door to her mother's house, but this time she wasn't alone. Katy and Eliza were there, and they were shocked when they saw their sister walk in.

"Liv?" Katy asked with wide eyes.

"Oh. Uh, hey girls... I expected you to be at the hospital." Olivia breathed.

"No. Mom said we should stay home. Adam and Emma are sleeping over with friends, and we got to stay home." Eliza spoke.

"Um... so I wanted to come and help out. Is there anything that-"

"They don't want you here," Katy spoke suddenly.

"I know. But as long as I can get what I wanted to be done, then they don't need to know that I'm still in town." Olivia replied.

"Lena had her baby this morning, and everyone is pretty upset about that. We don't want to upset her more."

"I am sick and tired of everyone making it seem like this is my fault when it isn't. I have no control over this all!" Olivia spat.

"Well, it's not Lena's fault! So we gotta put the blame on someone!" Eliza exclaimed.

"No, you don't! You don't have to blame anyone for something that no one could control! I know that I'm always the perfect person to blame things on because you never have to see me, but it isn't right. It isn't right that you guys are one tight-knit group that blames the outsider! So just like I told Liam, you two need to fuck off also." Olivia spat. She turned quickly left the house and just started to walk.

She knew from the start that her family was very close before they met her, and they didn't have space for another kid. But they let her in, but not completely. She was still an outsider even if she tried her hardest to not be. To fit in and belong.


Olivia finally got a taxi to the airport, where she was going to sit until the flight back to Manhattan was due to leave. She felt more anger towards her family then she had ever felt before. It was shocking because she had been angry at them before, but she wasn't being blamed for something she knew that she didn't do. When she was fighting with them after Dwayne passed away, she thought she had caused it. But she knew that she hadn't caused Lena to have her baby early.

"You told our little sisters to fuck off? That isn't even close to appropriate." Liam sighed. Olivia looked at him with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Olivia sighed.

"I told Lena that you were here. That you came and cleaned her house for her. But that you weren't going to come to the hospital."

"Okay? So are you here to make sure that I do go home? Because there is a storm system in the plains and they don't know if the plane will take off on time." Olivia sighed.

"She wants me to bring you up to the hospital." Liam breathed. Olivia shook her head as she held her stomach.

"Does she want me to come up so she can-"

"I told her what you said to me. How you said that no matter what happens, the love for her daughter will grow forever."


"Well, she needs your help because you lost your baby. You know what she is going through. She wants your help."

"She hasn't lost her daughter yet. When my doctor thought that I might have Hunter too early, they talked about the amazing doctors that would try their hardest to save her. So those doctors are working hard to save Rena."

"Are you going to come up to the hospital or sit here and just wait?"

"I don't want to be tricked, Liam. You better not plan on having me killed or anything." Olivia grumbled.

"I promise that nothing bad is going to happen. Just give me your bag."

Olivia nodded slowly as someone came over the intercom and announced that the flight to JFK was being rescheduled due to the storms that were tearing up the plains and the south.

"Glad you are joining me now?" Liam asked, and Olivia sighed.

"Yeah... but I will need to get something to eat and get some shut-eye soon..."


At the hospital, Liam led Olivia to Lena's room. He knocked on the door and asked if Olivia could go in, before letting Olivia through.

"Hey, Lena..." Olivia breathed.

"Hi, Liv." Lena yawned quietly. Olivia swallowed hard before slowly moving over to where her sister lay.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?"

"Not great... I had to have a c-section done because my baby was in distress..."

"Are you on any medicine to help?" Olivia asked, and Lena nodded slowly.

"A little bit but not a lot... uh, thanks for coming and cleaning up my house... it was a mess when we left because I was having contractions and freaking out."

"It was no problem. So, I heard her name is Rena. But what's her middle name?" Olivia asked.

"Rena Marie. Jacob's mother's name is Marie. We wanted to honor her and Mom."

"It's a beautiful name, Lena... and I'm sure she is absolutely amazing."

"She's small... they wanted to stop the labor to the point where she could stay inside of me to either her due date or until 26 weeks. She'd be bigger and stronger by 26 weeks, but they couldn't stop the labor." Lena frowned.

"What are you having?" Lena breathed, as Olivia hesitantly walked over to her bedside.

"A little boy."

"Really?" Lena asked.

"Yeah. We were expecting to be getting another little girl, but then he decided to surprise us. We even had a name picked out, but we changed it when we found out he was a boy." Olivia rambled a bit.

"What's his name?" Lena asked as she forced herself to look at her sister.

"We don't need to talk about him. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or sadder than you already are. Okay?"

"I need to get my mind off of the fact my daughter might die, Liv. So please, just tell me about my nephew."

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