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As the first official grandchild in the Houston family, Hunter was spoiled rotten. She was showered with gifts, which were mostly just adorable dresses, shoes, and hats. But she was always being held and showered with love. Hunter was such an easygoing baby, that Lena and her husband had caught baby fever and were actively trying for a little one for themselves.

"Uncle Elliot cannot wait to meet you, Hunter Louise." Olivia cooed, as she swayed back and forth with her baby in her arms. Olivia and Amanda were at the airport to pick up Elliot, and then next week Jenni and the kids were going to be coming to Arizona to meet the newest addition to the family.

"I'm surprised that he didn't catch a redeye out of Manhattan to be here the same day that she was born." Amanda smiled. They were standing away from everyone else to avoid getting Hunter sick, but Olivia was freaking out because she didn't know if Elliot would see them when he got off the plane.

"Shoot." Olivia frowned, as she looked down at her daughter who was redfaced.

"What... she's pooping, isn't she?" Amanda asked, and Olivia groaned before nodding.

"I need to go change her." Olivia frowned. Amanda shook her head before taking the baby from her wife.

"I'll go change our daughter. You just wait for Elliot." Amanda smiled. She took the diaper bag too, before kissing her wife gently. She turned and went to the nearest bathroom. As Olivia watched her wife walk away, someone came up to Olivia and gently kissed her cheek. Olivia went to swat the person away, but then she turned and smiled at Elliot.

"I thought you were a freak! I was right!" Olivia cried. She quickly turned into Elliot and hugged him tightly. She kissed his cheek before hugging him tightly.

"I've missed you so much, Livvie. I cannot believe that you are a mother!" Elliot spoke, before stepping back and looking Olivia over.

He could see that she had filled out a bit. She looked healthy, and no longer like the twig she was when she was suffering while being married to Lou. She hadn't lost the baby weight yet, but no matter what she looked absolutely beautiful.

"I cannot believe that I'm a Mommy either... Hunter Louise is the sweetest thing. She has thick brown hair and we can already see the dimples... oh those dimples and cheeks are beyond adorable." Olivia smiled. She leaned close and pecked Elliot's cheek again before hearing Amanda call her name.

"Darling, our baby might need to be fed before we head home," Amanda spoke. Olivia nodded before letting Amanda pass Hunter to Elliot. Elliot looked at his niece as tears welled in his eyes before slipping down his cheeks.

"Hey there, Hunter Louise. I cannot believe that you are finally here." Elliot cooed, before leaning down and pecking her forehead gently.

"Is she everything that you thought she'd be?" Olivia asked, as she gently moved Hunter's hat down over her ears.

"And more."


Elliot sat in the back with Hunter and couldn't keep his eyes off of her. He just kept staring at the small baby that was a spitting image of her mother. Olivia kept glancing back and smiled largely at her best friend and her baby.

"So, Jenni and I are expanding our family," Elliot spoke, once they had gotten back to the house. He had settled back into a chair with Hunter in his arms. She had been changed so she was happy and content just being in Elliot's arms. Or anyone's arms.

"Finally getting that dog that Joshy has been asking for?" Olivia asked. She was snuggled into her wife's side on the couch because it was a rare thing for neither of them to have Hunter in their arms.

"Uh... actually... Jenni is pregnant. Nearly 20 weeks." Elliot breathed.

"Oh my god! That's-"

"Scary," Elliot spoke. Olivia eyed him in confusion before looking at Amanda. She was just as confused in this situation.

"How are you scared, El? You have three other kids! Beautiful and healthy kids!" Olivia exclaimed.

"This baby almost died... at the beginning of the pregnancy, it was determined to be unviable. But Jenni didn't want to give up. So we continued to do weekly appointments until the point where the baby's heartbeat was stronger. The baby was moving on the screen and was showing off."

"El... why didn't you tell us sooner?" Amanda spoke before Olivia could.

"Because Olivia lost a baby and I didn't want her to get hurt again by finding out her niece or nephew had passed away." Elliot sighed.

"I will always be there for you, Elliot. No matter what. You need to realize that you don't always have to protect me... yeah I'd be upset. But at least we could work together to get through it. I'm just so thankful that the baby is okay. That Jenni is too." Olivia spoke. She stood and walked over to her friend before sinking down on the armrest. She kissed the top of his head before hugging his shoulders.

"I love you, Olivia," Elliot spoke, as he looked up at Olivia.

"I love you too, El."


Late that night, after Hunter and Olivia were sleeping, Amanda walked out into the living room where her wife's best friend was still awake. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed two beers before moving towards him.

"I know it's late and all, but I think we could both use this," Amanda spoke. Elliot nodded in agreement before taking the beer from Amanda.

"Is Olivia asleep?" He questioned.

"She is. She tries to sleep whenever Hunter does." Amanda yawned. She took a sip from her beer before looking at Elliot.

"She's doing good, right? It's not all just an act?" Elliot asked.

"No, it's real. She's happy and she cannot stop smiling. Hunter makes us happy. So happy."

"Our kids make us happy... it's just scary to think that one of them almost didn't make it." Elliot whispered.

"We didn't think that Olivia would be able to get pregnant. And when she did, there were a few scares. Hunter had a few weeks where it was touch and go, but thankfully she recovered." Amanda breathed.

"Amanda, I think that maybe we both are scared," Elliot spoke.

"I am so fucking scared, Elliot. I'm scared that I won't be a good Mama, but I know that with Olivia by my side I can do anything. It's the same with you and Jenni."

"We both have pretty amazing wives." Elliot smiled.

"We do."

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