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"Hey, just ignore her," Amanda spoke, as she ran her hand over Olivia's thigh.

"It's kinda hard to ignore her when we've already made eye contact." Olivia frowned. She pulled Teddy onto her lap and she started to help feed her son so that she couldn't get up and talk to her mother.

"Olivia!" Serena exclaimed as she came to a stop next to the blanket. Olivia kept her eyes focused on Teddy, as Hunter, Addison, and Harrison all looked at the stranger that their parents were all avoiding.

"I know you can see me and hear me, Olivia Margaret Houst-"

"It's Rollins. My last name is Rollins." Olivia finally spat. She looked up from her son and stared directly into her mother's eyes. She was angry. So very angry.

"Okay, well we need to talk. Talk about how you've been ignoring me. How you haven't even sent your condolences to your sister after the loss of her child." Serena grumbled.

"She doesn't need to talk to you. You aren't entitled to whatever you think Olivia is keeping from you. So please leave us alone. If you don't, Elliot and I will be more than willing to arrest you for harassment." Amanda spoke as calmly as possible.

"I have the right to talk to my kid!" Serena yelled.

"I'm an adult. If I don't want to talk, I don't have too. So please stop scaring the kids and get the hell out of here." Olivia broke. She lifted Teddy up as she stood before reaching her hand out to Hunter. Her little girl jumped to her feet before grabbing her mother's hand and following closely beside her mother.

"Liv!" Elliot called, as he quickly ran after his friend while Amanda dealt with her mother in law.

"Amanda, let me go to Olivia. Now." Serena demanded.

"You will leave now, or else I will arrest you. This is your second warning, and the third one will be as I'm slapping cuffs onto you. Do you understand?" Amanda warned.

"She's my kid!" Serena yelled as she stomped off in the direction she had come from.

"She's not your child, Serena! She's nothing to you, and you know that! Don't act as if you have been thinking about her for the last few years when you have been freezing her out!" Amanda yelled back.


Olivia was buckling her kids into their car seats when Elliot finally found her. He got to her side and gently went to touch her back but she just shook her head.

"Leave me alone, Elliot," Olivia whispered.

"I'm not leaving you alone. You know that. You know that when you are upset, I'll always be by your side. That's what you get when you make me your best friend." Elliot spoke, as Olivia shut the door and turned to look at him.

"Leave me alone." Olivia whimpered.

"Liv, talk to me," Elliot spoke. Olivia started to cry and quickly turned into her best friend. She clung to him as her cries turned to sobs.

"Honey, I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. That she just has to march right back into your life as if you owe her something. Which you don't." Elliot breathed, as he rubbed Olivia's back.

"Lena's baby died..." Olivia sniffled as she leaned back as tears continued down her cheeks.

"I know, honey. Amanda told me shortly before she told you. So I could help you if you needed it." Elliot breathed.

"I felt so guilty because she lost her only child, and then just a few months later I got a second healthy child."

"You shouldn't feel guilty for something that wasn't your fault and something that you couldn't control. Since you met them, your family has blamed everything on you. From Dwayne's death to your mental illness... honey, they don't care about you. So what I need you to do, is to just ignore them. Try your hardest to forget about them because they aren't worth your energy." Elliot smiled.

"Uh, can you go find Mandy-"

"I'm here, Liv. I just called Cragen. I'm off for the rest of the day." Amanda spoke. She walked over to her wife and kissed her forehead gently before helping her into the vehicle.

"Did she leave?" Elliot asked, and Amanda nodded.

"As far as I can tell. But I'll keep you updated because I wouldn't be surprised if she shows up at our house tonight."


Olivia, though calmer than earlier, was anxious as the night progressed. She went about her nightly duties with the babies, before putting them both to bed with Amanda's help. But then Amanda had to go back to work since they caught a case, and Olivia was alone and left with her thoughts.

She was wondering why out of everyone on Earth, why she got kidnapped. Because if she had been with Serena and Dwayne throughout her whole life, she wouldn't be in this position. She would have been with Lena when her baby passed away. Her family would have been with her when she had Teddy. But instead, she was an outsider and hated by her whole family.

She didn't even talk to Liam anymore, and they had talked every day since Olivia and Amanda moved back to Manhattan with Hunter.

Olivia moved to the front door as her doorbell rang. She slowly opened the door and let out a small breath as she met her mother's eyes.

"Serena." Olivia breathed.

"I'm your mother, don't call me by my first name," Serena demanded.

"When you act like a real mother to me, then I'll be respectful. But since that isn't happening, you are Serena." Olivia spoke weakly.

"I can't believe you, Olivia. How you completely ignored the fact that your little sister lost her baby. That you just went on and had a baby without even thinking about her first!" Serena spat. Olivia's jaw dropped and her eyes went wide.

"So you wanted me to lose my baby too? Or what? What did you want me to do because I was pregnant for longer than Lena? I was like three or so weeks pregnant before she and Jacob even conceived." Olivia huffed.

"I should have done it," Serena growled.

"Did what? Killed me when you had the chance? Do I need to bring up the files again?!"

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