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Olivia looked over at her brother before shaking her head. Even if Liam said that she should be happy, it was hard currently. She always had a hard time being happy when things seemed to fall apart around her. Just like her friends not being happy about her child. 

"Liam, I feel like I don't feel happy anywhere... It's almost like before I met Amanda. I had to go to that hospital and I stayed there for so long that it wasn't even funny. I don't know if I let myself get too happy and too relaxed."

"Olivia, you have never been a relaxed person, and I have only known you since you were 27," Liam spoke with a soft laugh. He looked over at his best friend and big sister before seeing a few tears on her cheeks.

"I think that I might just tell Lena... but if she responds badly then I'm not telling anyone else," Olivia spoke quietly, as she brushed tears from her cheeks.

"I'll go in and check on Hunter then. But Liv, everyone else has to find out at some point. You can't just hide being pregnant for long. Eventually, there will be a baby, and I can clearly see that you are showing." 

"Are you calling me fat?" Olivia grumbled as she teased her baby brother.

"Never, Liv. It's just that my niece or nephew doesn't want to hide. Clearly he or she likes attention just like you." Liam teased back before leaning close and hugging his sister tightly.


Olivia went over to Lena's house after her husband went to work. Olivia helped her sister work on a mountain of dishes as Lena talked fondly of her husband and their baby that would be there before they all knew it.

"So what do you and Jacob hope you are having?" Olivia asked as she thought about wanting another little girl. She had always wanted siblings when she was younger, mostly a sister that she could play with and now she wanted that for Hunter.

"A boy. I would have loved to have twins the first time around and have had one of each, but we are only having one baby." Lena spoke, as she stopped rinsing dishes and sat down on a bar stool as Olivia continued to wash the dishes that she hadn't even made. But she needed idle work to do because she was too scared to tell her sister that she was pregnant and would be having her baby about a month earlier then she'd be having her baby.

"Liv, are you okay? You seem off." Lena spoke with a soft sigh. Olivia turned off the water before leaning against the counter as she looked at her sister.

"Uh, would you hate me if I told you that something big was also happening in my life?" Olivia asked nervously.

"Like what? Adopting a dog? Getting another new hairstyle?" Lena laughed. Olivia swallowed hard before shaking her head.

"No, Lena... I'm pregnant." Olivia whispered. Lena stared at Olivia with wide confused eyes.

"No, you aren't. Hunter isn't even one yet. She's like 10 months old." Lena huffed.

"Just because my... nevermind. I'm not pregnant. I was just joking around. Seeing how you'd react." Olivia spoke with a forced smile. Lena slowly climbed off the stool before walking to her sister. She pressed her hand against her stomach before letting out a sharp sob.

"Why would you do this to me?" Lena whimpered. Olivia bit her lip before shaking her head.

"I'm 16 weeks pregnant, Lena. I can't change that and I won't. I'm so sorry that I'm doing this to you... and I'll keep this a secret. No one else needs to know because I know that you deserve the spotlight." Olivia whispered as she went to turn around and finish the dishes, but Lena grabbed her arm tightly.

"Get out." She whispered, and Olivia nodded.

"Of course..."


Olivia told Liam about Lena's response, which they both blamed on her rapidly changing body. They didn't want to call her a crazy attention whore out loud because they didn't want a younger sibling to hear, because if it got back to Lena, there would be hell to pay.

Olivia climbed into bed earlier than she usually does, with Hunter laying with her bottom up in the air beside her. Olivia looked at her daughter as tears welled in her eyes. She had been doing so good in regards to dealing with stressful situations, but she isn't doing good anymore. She ran away from Manhattan when her friends weren't supportive of her pregnancy, and now she wants to run away from Phoenix since her sister hates her for being pregnant.

She ended up staying up most of the night, only dozing off a few times. She woke up to the sound of the door opening and her mother gently caressing her hair.

"Liv, you have a guest," Serena whispered.

"Who?" Olivia yawned quietly, as she reached out and brushed Hunter's hair out of her face.

"Elliot. He flew out here just to talk face to face with you." Serena spoke. Olivia pushed herself up slowly before eyeing her.

"What do you mean? We aren't really talking." Olivia breathed.

"He's here to talk to you. Your siblings are out of the house and I'll watch Hunter while you talk." Serena spoke, before leaning down and kissing Olivia's forehead.

"Okay." Olivia sighed.

Olivia climbed out of bed and slowly walked out into the hall and towards the kitchen. She found Elliot with a cup of coffee in front of him and a cup sitting opposite him.

"Why are you here?" Olivia asked.

"I'm sorry that I didn't react well to the news, Liv. I am so excited that you are pre-"

"Shut up. Don't say that word." Olivia growled.

"What?" Elliot asked, his face covered in confusion.

"Liam and Lena know, but the rest of my family doesn't and they won't know... I'll tell them at a later date." Olivia whispered.

"Okay, well still. I'm excited. I talked to everyone else and they are excited too. They realized that what we think is right for you isn't always right for you. So please, forgive me and come back home." Elliot spoke.

"Really?" Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded.

"We love you and your family, Olivia. That's why I'm here and that is why I want to take you and Hunter home." Elliot spoke. Olivia looked down for a moment before looking back at her best friends with tears on her cheeks.

"Lena thinks I did this on purpose... that I got pregnant just to fuck with her and make her feel bad... but I didn't. I've been pregnant longer than her." Olivia sniffled.

"Pregnant?" Serena asked from where she had been listening quietly.

"Mom!" Olivia exclaimed as she quickly stood up. She looked at her mother as Serena shook her head.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because Lena hates me and I didn't want to take away from her pregnancy. I don't want to ruin her life again."

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