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After finding out about Hunter Louise, life was extremely busy. Olivia had a lot of sessions with the rape victims she was helping as a crisis counselor, while Amanda was working long hours to save up for the hospital stay that was coming up faster than either had anticipated.

"Her room is all set." Olivia smiled, as she had dinner with Lena.

"I cannot wait to meet my niece." Lena smiled. After moving to Phoniex, Lena had met the man of her dreams and had been married to him for three years. It was impressive because she was only in her early twenties but had already married the man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life.

"I cannot wait to meet her too. Hunter already seems so sassy. She's kicking up a storm lately, and it mostly right in the ribs." Olivia spoke, as she rubbed her very swollen midsection.

"If I can successfully take care of Hunter, Jake and I want to start trying for a baby... we really want to have kids and like a shit ton of them." Lena smiled as she tied her curls back.

"Yeah, as long as you can keep my daughter alive compared to all those plants and fish you have killed, you will be an amazing mother." Olivia laughed. Lena smiled as she looked at her sister. Her face was bright with a smile, even if it was covered in exhaustion.

"I'm glad that you are happy now, Olivia. Seeing you so lost and sad had hurt me so badly." Lena breathed. Olivia reached across the table and grabbed her sister's hand before squeezing it tightly.

"I love what I have now. I love having Amanda, and you all again. I absolutely love the support that I can get and give."

"Olivia, are you sure that you don't want a baby shower to celebrate Hunter?" Lena asked, as Olivia leaned back and went back to rubbing her swell.

"I don't know if I'll be pregnant for much longer. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I don't think that you could get one planned before Hunter decides to come Earthside." Olivia spoke.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Lena asked, and Olivia laughed.

"As I said, I'm 38 weeks pregnant. I'm very uncomfortable." Olivia smiled before she and her sister went back to talking about how great both of their lives were.


Olivia went home and Amanda was sitting in the living drinking a beer as she watched the ass end of a football game.

"Hey, who's winning?" Olivia questioned, even though she didn't really care too much. She didn't really get into sports ball games as her wife did, but at least she tried to show interest.

"Not my team if that helps at all," Amanda spoke, as she leaned back and smiled at her wife.

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I shut it off?" Olivia smirked, as she moved to shut the TV off with the button on the side, but Amanda stood and quickly wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"Don't you dare baby," Amanda spoke, as she ran her hands over her wife's hips.

"Okay, I won't. I think that maybe we should start packing stuff up." Olivia spoke, as she felt her wife continue to rub her hips before moving her hands to her swell.

"For what? Are we moving?" Amanda asked, and Olivia shook her head as she moved from her wife's arms before moving towards their bedroom.

"No. It's more because I'm super pregnant and want to be prepared for when I go into labor. I want to be able to grab my bag and we can just get to the hospital before Hunter is ready to be born." Olivia explained. She went to grab a duffle bag from the closet, but Amanda stopped her.

"Let me get that," Amanda spoke, before grabbing the bag and handing it to her wife.

"I just want to be prepared."

"We are always prepared!" Amanda exclaimed. Olivia shook her head as she settled onto the bed and rubbed her lower back.

 "Amanda Rollins, we are never prepared. We were packing the morning that we had to catch a flight to Manhattan. It was the same whenever we went traveling. You always say we have time, but then we never do. And I think I'm in charge of this now. Because I'll know when it's time, and we can't be waiting around to pack." Olivia spoke.

"Alright, so what do we pack?" Amanda asked, and Olivia stopped rubbing her back for a moment before narrowing her eyes as she thought.

"Uh, no idea. Clothes. Toiletries. Baby clothes. Oh!"

"Oh?!" Amanda exclaimed as she quickly moved to her wife.

"Not what you think. I said that because we also have to pack for Hunter. Her diaper bag." Olivia spoke. Amanda let out a slow breath before nodding.

"Okay. I think we can figure this out as we go. I just have one question for you." Amanda spoke, as she moved over and started to dig through one of her wife's drawers.

"Anything," Olivia replied.

"Granny panties or a thong?" Amanda teased, and Olivia rolled her eyes before standing and taking them both from her.


After three false alarms in the last two weeks of Olivia's pregnancy, at 40 weeks and 2 days, Olivia was really in labor. She woke up to intense pain in her hips, back, and stomach and she felt like her pajama pants were wet.

"Amanda." Olivia panted, as she reached over and turned on her bedside lamp.

"Yeah?" Amanda yawned as she rolled over and looked at her wife.

"It's time." She moaned, as she held her stomach and moved into panting through a contraction.

"What?" Amanda asked as she sat up slowly.

"I'm in labor... oh my god. We need to go!" Olivia cried.

"Okay. Let me grab the bags and then I'll be back!" Amanda exclaimed. Olivia slowly climbed out of bed and looked at her sheets before seeing how absolutely soaked they were. She was wondering how long she had been in labor, and if they'd make it the hour drive to the hospital.

"Alright, are you ready, darling?" Amanda asked, her drawl a lot more noticeable in this moment.

"Do you think we can make it to the hospital?" Olivia breathed, as she reached out and grabbed her wife's hand.

"I don't know. Are you feeling the need to push at all?" Amanda asked. Olivia held her belly before shrugging.

"Eventually I'll figure that out. Can you call my mom on the drive up?" Olivia sniffled as they slowly moved out of their room.

"We can pick her up on the way. Just stay strong, darling. Before you know it we will be holding Hunter and everything will be better!"

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