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Olivia kept trying to get comfortable in the front seat of their car, but no matter what she was uncomfortable. Her hips ached. Her stomach hurt like hell. And she just couldn't seem to cool herself down. The air was on full bore but Olivia was still sweating like crazy.

"How much longer?" Olivia moaned as she started to feel anxious about not making it to the hospital before Hunter was born.

"Half an hour. Are you doing okay?" Amanda asked as she reached over and rubbed her wife's leg gently.

"No. I'm not doing okay." Olivia sniffled.

"The contractions are coming about 5 minutes apart, Olivia. So if you are starting to feel like you can't make it to the hospital, we will figure something out. We will call an ambulance." Serena spoke, as she reached out and gently gave her daughter's shoulder a squeeze.

"We had a plan, Momma. Hunter would wait until we were at the hospital." Olivia sniffled.

"She has a plan of her own, honey." Serena chuckled as she thought about the night Olivia made her entrance into the world. She was born in the back of her car, and Dwayne caught his step-daughter without missing a beat.

"I want her to sta-" Olivia drew in a sharp breath before realizing that the contraction was feeling different. It was more intense and she was worried that maybe it was getting close.

"Darling?" Amanda asked, and Olivia sniffled before grabbing her wife's hand. Through gritted teeth, she growled.

"Faster. Go. Please."


On the side of the road, while Serena waited for the ambulance, Amanda delivered Hunter. They were 20 minutes away from the hospital, but Olivia knew that she couldn't make it and she was right. Olivia let out a cry as she finally felt as her pain faded away.

"Darling... Darling look at me." Amanda sniffled. Olivia opened her eyes slowly before seeing Amanda holding Hunter, who was wrapped up in her favorite NYPD sweatshirt.

"Oh my god," Olivia whispered, before pushing herself up a bit before taking her daughter into her arms. Amanda brushed a few tears from her cheeks before smiling at her extremely strong wife.

"I'm so proud of you, Liv. I love you so much." Amanda breathed. They heard sirens, and Olivia looked up from a whimpering Hunter before seeing that a police cruiser pulled up beside them.

"I don't want anyone but the EMTs to see me like this. I don't want to see your coworkers." Olivia spoke, and Amanda nodded before grabbing Olivia's pants and draping them over her awkwardly.

"That didn't really work... uh but I'll be right back. You just keep holding that cutie pie, darling." Amanda smiled. She kissed her wife before climbing out of the car and seeing her Captain standing next to Serena.

"Is she okay?" Serena asked worriedly.

"Hunter is here and she is stunning." Amanda smiled, before getting a pat on her shoulder from her Captain.

"We got the distress call and they told us your license plate. We got here as quick as we could. Congrats on the daughter." 

"Thanks, Captain. Uh, do you have the emergency kit in the trunk?" Amanda asked.

"Of course. I'll go grab it." He spoke, before hearing the soft crying from the vehicle. Amanda looked at it and couldn't help but smile. She had a daughter now. A beautiful baby girl that brought them so much happiness already.


Little Miss Hunter was anything but little. She weighed in at a whopping 9 and a half pounds and was 23 inches long. Like, compared to her mother she was a giant. Amanda and Olivia picked out a donor that was tall, but they didn't expect Hunter to be born that long or weighing that much. She was doing amazing on the ride to the hospital and once she and her mother were admitted. 

"Your siblings are going to come up after school. Liam is going to bring them up after he gets off work." Amanda spoke, as she came into the room and found that Olivia had showered and was resting on the bed with Hunter laying against her chest.

"Awesome." Olivia smiled tiredly.

"How are you and Hunter?" Amanda asked. Olivia leaned down and kissed the thin hair on her daughter's head.

"We are amazing. She already ate, and she did it without fighting me." Olivia grinned. She moved a hand away from Hunter's back before reaching out to her wife. Amanda quietly walked towards her, before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Tonight was an amazing experience, Liv," Amanda whispered, as she looked down at the foot of the bed and noticed that when they got ready to leave she had grabbed two different colored converse.

"Mixing shoes?" Olivia teased, and Amanda shook her head as she gently caressed Hunter's back.

"No. I mean being there for you. I hated to see you in pain, but when I watched you be a warrior and deliver this little one... it was amazing. I got to catch our daughter! It's an experience that I'll never forget... and one that I never want to forget. Olivia, I love you so much... and I feel like that love grew so much after tonight." Amanda spoke, as tears ran down her cheeks. Olivia looked at her and smiled.

"You are the best wife and will be the best Mama to Hunter Louise." Olivia smiled. She kissed a tear from her wife's cheek before they snuggled down a bit. Amanda was passed Hunter, and she held her close and caressed her back.

"I just realized that I forgot to call Elliot and Jenni." Amanda chuckled.

"Give me your phone. I'll call them. You can go rock Hunter... maybe change her diaper because I think it's dirty." Olivia smiled.

"Only because I watched you doing a lot of hard stuff tonight."

Olivia dialed Elliot's number on her wife's phone, before holding it up to her ear. It was later in Manhattan right now, but Olivia knew that Elliot and Jenni were just waiting for a call telling them that Hunter was finally there.

"Stabler." Elliot yawned, as he answered his cell.

"Stabler, you are an uncle to a 9 and a half pound baby girl," Olivia spoke, and Elliot let out a gasp.

"Really? Wait, why are you calling me, Olivia?! I know this is your voice!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Because Amanda is holding Hunter. And because it's been two hours since she was born because I had her in the back seat of our car." Olivia laughed. 

"Sounds like something that would happen to you! Do you want us to come out there? I'm sure that my Mom would watch my kids."

"Elliot, just stay there for a bit. Actually plan a trip out here to meet her." Olivia smiled as her exhaustion hit her.

"Okay. Once Jenni wakes up, I'm going to start planning a trip out there to see you and to meet my niece... send me a picture of her though, please." Elliot spoke.

"I'll get right to that. I love you, Elliot." Olivia smiled.

"I love you too, Livvie. Congrats on that little angel."

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