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"Are you sure?" Olivia asked nervously because even if she really wanted her family to know about Teddy, she was worried that knowing about him would make things worse.

"Liv, please just tell me about your son!" Lena exclaimed. Olivia swallowed hard before looking at her sister.

"His name is Theodore David Houston-Rollins," Olivia spoke quietly. She held her belly and fought off a smile as she felt Teddy kick around inside.

"Drop the Houston," Lena spoke.

"What?" Olivia asked with wide eyes.

"Drop the Houston. He's a Rollins." Lena sighed. Olivia nodded slowly.

"But he's a Houston too. He's my son, and I'm a Houston." Olivia frowned.

"Don't fight me right now, Olivia. I just-"

"Lena, I'm sorry. So sorry for what is happening to you. What's happening to you and Jacob and that sweet baby. But I refuse to get pushed around in regards to my child. He will be Theodore Houston-Rollins. Just like his big sister. Just like me. And just like Amanda. It's our name." Olivia spoke. She pushed herself up from the chair before moving to the door.

"If you walk out that door right now, you will never be apart of our family ever again," Lena grumbled. Olivia turned around and smiled.

"Sounds like a good thing to me right now. I thought I was supposed to come here and help you through this, but I guess I was just coming here for you to get angry with me. Take care, Lena. I wish you and Jacob all the happiness in the world, and I pray Rena Marie survives. Maybe you'll learn something from being her mother." Olivia spoke. She opened the door before closing it tightly and walking down the hall. She saw where her brother stood, and she walked to him and grabbed her bag.

"What's happening?" Liam asked.

"I'm out. No longer a Houston. Lena determined that. Goodbye."


Olivia had lost a lot in her life. Like, a shit ton. But when she lost her family, she didn't feel as bad as she thought she would. It was like she realized that she lost them long before her trip to Phoenix. 

She went back home and thrived with her wife and daughter. She focused on the family she had in Manhattan and put her energy into planning for Teddy and for being happy. She thought she never could be completely happy without her family, but she realized that she could. All she needed was Amanda and her kids, and that was a good start.

"Alright, I'm here to watch Hunter!" Elliot smiled, as he came into Olivia and Amanda's house through the unlocked front door.

"Thank God. Olivia is upstairs finishing up packing her bag." Amanda spoke, as she quickly came out of the kitchen with a bottle of water for her wife.

"How is she doing?" Elliot asked, as he walked over and looked at the open iPad that showed the camera in Hunter's room where she was napping.

"She's taking the contractions like a champ. Hopefully, we make it to the hospital this time." Amanda chuckled. She may have been laughing, but she was still worried. Teddy was four days overdue and Amanda didn't know if Olivia would have enough energy to make it through a long labor.

"Everything will be okay, Amanda. Olivia is as strong as they come." Elliot spoke. He tugged the blonde into a warm hug before turning to look at the stairs as Olivia slowly made her way down them. She already looked tired, but she was smiling. She couldn't wait to meet her son.

"Hey there, El. Thanks for coming over to watch Hunter. She gets a bath tonight, and her favorite pajamas are laid out on the top of her dresser." Olivia spoke, as she handed her bag to her wife before grabbing the water bottle. She took a long drink from it as Elliot moved to her.

"I'll be doing the easy job. Jenni said she'll meet you two up at the hospital." Elliot smiled, before kissing Olivia's temple softly.

"Who's watching your kids?" Amanda asked as she looped her arm around Olivia's waist.

"Jenni's mom. She's all yours until Teddy is born."

"Alright, thanks again, Elliot... but we need to get going. I don't want to have another baby in a car."


Once they arrived at the hospital, Olivia was admitted and taken to a room to continue laboring. Amanda and Jenni left to run down to get something to eat. Olivia's doctor assured them that Olivia would be at it for a long time, and they had time to get something to eat.

"Are you nervous?" Jenni asked as she and Amanda waited in line.

"Oh yeah. I'm fucking freaking out." Amanda said, her voice shaking as she looked over at the brunette.

"I already knew that. Elliot texted me and told me." Jenni chuckled.

"I love Olivia so much. And I know that she can do this. She has done it before... but she's my everything. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here. I'd be stuck in Atlanta probably fucking my life up, and instead, I'm about to have two kids and I'm married to the most beautiful woman in the world." Amanda breathed.

"I'm sure that before you know it, it will be three kids. Then four." Jenni smiled.

"I don't know about four... would you mind bringing this back upstairs? I want to get back to Olivia." Amanda spoke.

"Of course. I'll be there soon."


Amanda went upstairs and stopped in the doorway of her wife's room. The love she had for her wife kept growing every second of every day, and today wasn't any different. She slowly shut the door behind her before moving to where Olivia was looking out the window and at the city she loved.

"How is everything going, darling?" Amanda asked as she walked up behind her before wrapping her arms around her waist and holding her stomach.

"Everything is going okay... I'm just glad that you are back up here." Olivia breathed.

"I am too... now, would you do me the honor of letting me escort you around the floor?" Amanda asked, and Olivia smiled before nodding.

"I'd love that."

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