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"Can we go?" Olivia whispered after her brother hung up on her. She didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone because she felt so bad about this all. She felt bad about possibly being pregnant when her sister may lose her baby.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Jenni asked, as she stood and with Hunter and Harrison.

"I just can't do this today. Uh, I'll take the kids out to the car." Olivia breathed, before moving to grab the babies but Jenni stopped her.

"Who called you and what did they do to you?" Jenni asked. Olivia swallowed hard as she brushed tears from her cheeks.

"I'm expecting my second baby, Jenni... and my baby sister might be losing her first baby..." Olivia whimpered, before letting out a loud sob. She quickly placed her hand over her mouth before shaking her head a bit.

"I just need to go home. Please. Let me go home."

"Of course... uh, you go out. I'll bring the babies out soon." Jenni spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly as she held her stomach.

"I don't deserve Teddy if Lena can't have Rena..." Olivia whimpered, before turning quickly and leaving the baby store. Jenni looked in the cart and saw the tags for the furniture that Olivia wanted before sighing.

"Hunter, let's order these for your Mommy... then we can go take care of her. Make her happy."


Jenni stayed with Olivia once they got home. Hunter and Harrison both crashed together for an afternoon nap, as Jenni called Amanda and talked to her. Olivia was sleeping upstairs when Amanda got home.

"Okay, what happened?" Amanda asked, as she quickly took her jacket off and put it on the coat rack.

"We were shopping, and Olivia got a call from Liam. I guess that Lena isn't doing good."

"What? Did he call just to make Olivia feel bad?" Amanda huffed.

"I have no idea. She won't talk to me. Hunter is sleeping upstairs and Harrison is too... so do you want me to stay just in case Hunter wakes up?" Jenni asked, and Amanda nodded slowly.

"Yeah... uh, and my wife? Where is she?" Amanda asked as she kicked her boots off. 

"Upstairs. In your room." Jenni spoke. Amanda nodded slowly as she took a slow breath.

"Okay. Uh, thanks, Jenni. For not leaving her alone." Amanda spoke, before quickly moving to the stairs. She took them two at a time, before running down the hall. She wanted to get to her wife as quickly as possible because she was scared about what might happen. If Olivia felt guilty enough, she could hurt herself. And Amanda didn't want to have to live life without Olivia and possibly Teddy.

"Olivia?" Amanda breathed gently, as she opened her bedroom door. She looked and saw her wife sitting on the edge of their bed. Her head was hung and her body shook a bit as she gasped for air every few seconds.

"Olivia?" Amanda asked again, louder this time. Olivia patted the bed beside her, and Amanda knew that she had finally heard her. Amanda moved over and sank down beside her wife. She gently grabbed her hand, before squeezing it.

"Can we not talk?" Olivia whispered as she kept her head down. She didn't want Amanda to see the tears on her cheeks, even if she knew that Amanda knew.

"Darling, we have to talk. You know that. You know that we need to discuss what is happening. What happened..." Amanda breathed. Olivia took her hand back before holding her swell as she lifted her head.

"Amanda, I love our children. I love being pregnant and knowing that we will have a son soon. But I can't help but feel guilty. So guilty."

"Why do you feel guilty?" Amanda asked gently.

"Because in Phoniex right now, Lena is in labor."

"What? She's only a few weeks behind you." Amanda frowned.

"It's early labor, and if they can't stop the contractions... she's going to lose her baby. She's having a little girl, Mandy... and I told Liam that I could come out and help in any way I could, but then he said it would be me rubbing my healthy pregnancy in her face..." Olivia breathed, before letting out a sob.

"Olivia, you don't have any control over what happens in your sister's pregnancy. If she loses the baby... it will be horrible but it will not be your fault. You didn't pray to God to have her suffer. You have been here minding your own business and haven't talked to your sister in 10 weeks."

"If she loses her daughter, I can never go back home." Olivia whimpered.

"Why? Because you will have a baby to show for your pregnancy but she won't? Olivia, you need to be with your family. Help them during this time. I know that Lena has gotta be freaking out, and maybe you are the one she needs to see."


"I'll book the ticket. Don't tell them that you are coming out. Just show up and go to your mother's house. Help clean up. Maybe go to Lena's house and help out. Just do what you can to make it easier on them."

"Mandy," Olivia grumbled.

"No, Olivia. Go be with your family. I'll get Teddy's room set up and we will still be here for you when you get home." Amanda smiled. She leaned close to her wife before kissing her jaw gently.

"Are you sure? And what if something happens to me on the plane?" Olivia breathed.

"Nothing will happen. I promise. Darling, pack a bag."


When Olivia got to Phoenix, she took a cab to her sister's house. She stood outside of it with her bag in hand before swallowing hard. She moved slowly up the path before finding the spare key under a small ceramic turtle with a flower on its shell. Olivia unlocked the front door slowly before moving in with tears on her cheeks.

The house already looked ready for a little girl, but what if she never came home?

Olivia cleaned the house to the best of her ability, before stopping short of the final load of laundry when she heard the front door open.

"Is anyone in here? Because if there is, I'll kill you." Liam spat. Olivia sighed, before moving out from where she had sat the basket in the kitchen before looking at her brother.

"Don't kill me, Liam," Olivia said weakly.

"Liv? What are you doing here?" He asked with wide eyes.

"I wanted to help... and I was hoping no one would find out... I'm almost done with everything here. They should be less stressed when they come home."

"Olivia, Lena had the baby this morning," Liam spoke, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"Did she make it?" Olivia whispered.

"She's in the NICU... She's very small and it isn't looking good. So please, just go away." Liam spoke. Olivia felt hot tears well in her eyes, but she didn't want to give up.

"This isn't my fault, Liam. I didn't want Lena to have the baby so early. I didn't want her and Mom to make it seem like I got pregnant just to fuck with her. Liam, I'm not leaving. This is my family too, and if you guys don't want me at all... then really tell me. Don't just be petty and push me away. You are hurting me, even if you don't care about it. So, Liam, I'm going to go finish their laundry and then go over to Mom's. I'm sure she's at the hospital along with everyone else." Olivia huffed. She turned back and walked into the kitchen before grabbing the basket and moving towards the garage.

"Olivia, this isn't the time to throw a fit. Lena is going to be losing her daughter. So while you are going to have a healthy baby, she's not even going to be a mother. Think about that." Liam spat.

"You make it seem like I don't understand what is happening, Liam! I lost my son! At least Lena is getting to meet her baby because my baby was torn from me before I even got to name him. To see him. I know what she is going through, but no one wants me to help her through this all. To tell her that it does get better. Your love for that baby still grows, even if it isn't here anymore. So please, fuck off." Olivia hissed. 

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