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Olivia didn't know if the silence was a good thing or not. She was hoping that everyone would be happy for them and that they didn't care that this second baby was going to be born not too long after Hunter turned one.

"Guys?" Amanda asked, as she watched Olivia's face pale and her eyes dropped. She didn't want to say anything or look at any of her friends because she was worried that there would be disgust or something covering their faces.

"Like, we knew you guys wanted more kids... but not this soon after you had Hunter." Jenni breathed. Olivia looked up for a moment before nodding slowly.

"I know that you don't approve, but I don't care. We are having a baby, and we love this little one so much that it hurts. I never got on your case for having so many kids one after another, so don't get on my case about it." Olivia huffed before she stood and lifted Hunter from her highchair before leaving the dining room.

"Jenni." Elliot groaned as he went to stand and follow Olivia, but Amanda stopped him.

"Guys, Olivia and I are so fucking excited to be having another child. We are just hoping that maybe you'd all be excited too. But clearly that hasn't happened and never will happen. So please just take your shit and leave if you won't be supporting us." Amanda spat. She stomped out of the dining room and moved towards wherever the hell her wife went.

"I don't know why they are so angry..." Jenni sighed.

"Because we have been assholes to them about their baby! I know that it is too soon after Hunter, but that doesn't matter because they are happy. So get your stuff and we need to go. All of us." Elliot frowned.


Olivia was sitting in Hunter's room when Amanda came upstairs. She found her wife sitting in the rocking chair as tears ran down her cheeks and as Hunter played on the floor with her stuffed animals.

"Liv." Amanda breathed quietly, as she stepped over several stuffed bears and rabbits to get to her wife's side.

"I don't know why I wanted to come here so badly. Mandy, I want everyone to be happy. But I'm really confused about why they aren't happy." Olivia frowned.

"I don't know either and I don't think we will ever know. But we don't have to have them to be happy. We can do that all by ourselves." Amanda smiled. She leaned close and kissed her wife gently before helping her to her feet. She hugged her tightly until Hunter started to grunt and tug on their pants.

"Mandy, I want to take that trip back to Phoenix soon. I want to see my family." Olivia breathed.

"Then we can go. I'll request time off and we can all go."

"You can stay here... I'm gonna go tomorrow," Olivia spoke. She lifted Hunter up before cuddling her close.

"Mama?" Hunter yawned as she looked at Amanda.

"I'll see you soon, baby. Just promise to be good for Mommy."


Olivia got on a flight the next morning with Hunter. It was early, but Olivia wanted to get out of Manhattan as quickly as she possibly could. She also wanted to tell her family about the baby and hopefully, she'd get a better response than the one she got from her friends.

Amanda went to work late, and she showed up with dried tears on her cheeks. She hated to think that her wife was leaving with their daughter and that she also didn't like Manhattan anymore... again.

"Hey, Rollins," Elliot spoke, as he stood quickly and walked to where Amanda was standing.

"If you supported us, I told you to stay. But you left."

"Amanda, I had to talk to everyone. We went out and got drinks, and we talked about everything. Like how we didn't want you two to get overwhelmed with two babies. Hunter isn't even one yet. I cannot imagine how exhausted you and Olivia are going to be when you are chasing Hunter around and trying to take care of a newborn." Elliot spoke.

"But this is what we want. We love Hunter and we want to give her a baby brother or sister. We thought that y'all wanted us to be happy, and we are... but y'all aren't."

"We are now though, Amanda. We just need to realize that what we think is right for you, isn't always what is truly right for you. I cannot wait to meet that kid, and I know that everyone can't wait either. Okay?" Elliot spoke.

"I wish you would have figured that out last night because my wife is on a flight to Phoenix with our kid."

"What? Did you two break up?!" Elliot whispered sharply.

"No. She left because she is angry about this all... I'm heading out there this weekend."

"No. Go now," Elliot spoke.

"I can't. We are renting the house, paying off the bills for the implantation, and we are going to have a second kid soon. I can't be missing work unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Then I'll go. Just cover for me." Elliot spoke before he quickly walked back to his desk to gather his items before leaving.


Once her flight landed and she and Hunter made it to her mother's house, Olivia was told that Lena was pregnant. Olivia kept her mouth shut about her own pregnancy because it just felt weird. It felt weird to steal her sister's thunder in a time like this.

"So why are you here?" Liam asked as he sat out on the front porch with his older sister. Olivia looked over at her brother before sighing softly.

"You can't tell anyone... okay?"

"Liv, are you and Amanda okay?" Liam asked slowly.

"We are fine... better than ever actually. But Elliot and everyone in Manhattan isn't happy for us."

"Why would they be?" Liam asked.

"Because I'm pregnant again, Liam."

"What? Why didn't you tell us that when you got here?" Liam asked, as he quickly grabbed Olivia's hand and squeezed it.

"Because Lena is having a baby too. It just seems dumb for me to tell everyone when we should all be happy for her. And because I'm starting to not feel happy."


"Don't try and make me feel better, Liam. Because I just don't feel like I should be happy. Maybe we did jump into this too soon." Olivia grumbled as she ran her hands over her stomach.

"Be happy, big sis. You deserve it."

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