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Amanda walked into her wife's room and kept her face expressionless because she knew that she couldn't tell her wife that her little sister had lost her daughter. She just wanted to focus on how happy they were, and not how sad it was to find out that Lena had lost her daughter.

"Did she pick up?" Olivia asked from where she was sitting and running her finger over Teddy's tiny nose.

"No. I'm sorry darling." Amanda frowned, and Olivia shrugged.

"Eh. I'm not going to let it get me down. We have two amazing babies, and I cannot wait to just be alone with them and you." Olivia smiled tiredly. She reached out to Amanda and pulled her down onto the bed when she got close enough.

Olivia rested her head on Amanda's shoulder, before letting out a small sigh.

"Are you sure that you are okay, darling?" Amanda asked.

"I'm amazing, Mandy."


Amanda kept her secret until Olivia got the all-clear from her doctor. Teddy was seven weeks old since it took Olivia a little longer to recover, and it was as if Teddy had always been with them. He was loved by everyone around him, especially his big sister.

"Hey, so since Teddy and Hunter are napping... can I talk to you real quick?" Amanda asked, and Olivia looked up from her computer and nodded.

"Okay... is everything alright?" Olivia asked as she shut her computer before sitting it down on the coffee table.

"We are okay... but I kinda lied to you." Amanda breathed.

"About?" Olivia asked as she turned her body to face her wife. Amanda reached out and grabbed her wife's hands before drawing them close and placing a few kisses to them.

"So, when I called your Mom she actually picked up. But she said something that I didn't think you were prepared to here until now. You are in a good place, and I feel like you can handle bad news better now than you could right after Teddy was born." Amanda frowned.

"Mandy, can you please just tell me what happened? I hate having to worry..." Olivia trailed off.

"Lena's baby didn't make it... she passed away the day after you left to come back home." Amanda breathed. She watched as her wife's face paled and tears welled in her eyes. Amanda reached out and brushed the first tear away before it could even run down her cheek all the way.

"Darling?" Amanda asked quietly. Olivia dropped her eyes before swallowing hard as she stood.

"I don't hate you for keeping this from me. I just need some time and space to process this all. I'll be in our room..." Olivia croaked out. She slowly made her way to the stairs before grabbing the railing for balance. She didn't even take a step before a sob wracked her body.

She couldn't imagine how hard her family is taking the loss of Rena, and she hated that she couldn't be there to grieve along with them or just be there to help them. She didn't even know if she should try to contact her family, or just leave them alone like they seem to want.

"Darling, let me join you," Amanda whispered, as she came up beside her wife and gently rested her hand against her lower back.

"What should I do?" Olivia whimpered.

"I think you should give them space. You don't need them to attack you once again."

"I just can't imagine how absolutely hurt Lena is..."


Olivia wished that she didn't find out about Rena. She knew how hard it had to have been for her family, but she was taking it hard also because she never got to meet her. She never got to hold her and tell her how adorable she is. She heard about her, and that was it. She didn't even get to see a picture of her.

Olivia kept thinking about her family as the weeks went by and the sudden pain slowly dulled.

Eventually, a year passed, and she was a mother to two little humans that were the complete opposites of each other. Hunter was sassy, a social butterfly, and loved having the spotlight on her. Teddy was quiet and more reserved. He loved his mothers and always liked cuddling with them, and his best friend was his older cousin Harrison. They always played together, and it was beyond adorable for those watching.

But even if Olivia had calmed down mostly, she still was a little worried that her family would come back to just mess everything up. They loved drama, and they loved creating drama with Olivia.

"We are going to wait just a little bit longer before trying for another baby. We love having our kids so close together, but we want a little bit of a gap between Teddy and the next baby." Olivia smiled, as she pushed the stroller with her babies in it, while Jenni walked beside her with Harrison and Addison in her stroller.

"Elliot and I are done. I love my kids and all, but I just don't want anymore." Jenni laughed softly.

"I keep asking Amanda if she wants to carry our next baby, but she keeps saying that she likes our little brown-haired babies, and having a blonde one would mess things up." Olivia sighed, with a roll of her eyes.

"She probably just likes seeing you pregnant." Jenni teased. They finally walked into the small park near the precinct, where they were planning on having lunch with their spouses.

Olivia lifted her children out of their stroller before they went in opposite directions of each other. Addison quickly ran after Hunter, as Harrison walked over to see what bug Teddy had already managed to find.

Jenni and Olivia set up the large blanket and got the food out before sitting down and picking up their conversation.

"Did you and Amanda look into the preschool we have sent our kids too?" Jenni asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Thanks to your reference, we are on the waiting list. But Hunter isn't going to be going for another year or two. We don't want to send her out before she's ready, and before she knows all of her letters and how to count." Olivia smiled.

They talked some more about their kids before Amanda and Elliot joined them. The kids were rounded up for lunch, and it was nice and relaxing. Until someone who said they'd never come to the east coast again, showed up.

"Olivia!" A voice called, and Olivia looked around for a moment before feeling a lump grow in her throat.

"Darling?" Amanda asked, and Olivia swallowed hard before just shaking her head.

"She just loves to fuck with me," Olivia grumbled as her mother approached the group.

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