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A few weeks after Jenni had Harrison, Olivia started her injections to prepare her body for carrying another baby. Amanda had made it clear from the start that she would prefer to not get pregnant, so they didn't address that again. They knew that Olivia was going to carry the baby, so they went through the process to help with her clotting disorder and they picked out a donor for their second child.

It was long before Olivia was having the same discomfort from when she did the shots to get pregnant with Hunter, and Amanda had to take over. Amanda hated to give Olivia shots every morning, but she didn't mind seeing her ass or the fact that they were going to be getting yet another baby.

"Did you tell anyone about today?" Olivia asked as she and Amanda walked together and towards the fertility clinic where they were going to get a few of their embryos implanted. Just like with Hunter, they did it this way because there was a higher chance of the pregnancy taking.

"Cragen knows that I couldn't come in today because you had an appointment, but I didn't tell him about the appointment. Like what we were doing. I didn't want him to know and to tell Elliot or something, especially since we won't be telling anyone until around the 16-week mark." Amanda spoke. Olivia nodded slowly before giving her a nervous smile.

"I'm scared." She breathed.

"There is no reason to be scared. I'm sure that you'll get pregnant as easily as you did last time." Amanda smiled softly, before stopping her wife. She drew her close and kissed her several times before hugging her tightly.

"Okay... so they will do the implantation, and then I'll have to stay here for a few hours. Then I can go home but I have to rest." Olivia mumbled.

"I know. And I'll be waiting on you hand and foot. Trust me, darling."


After work, Elliot decided to stop by and check in on Olivia and her family. He didn't know why Amanda hadn't been at work, so he wanted to check in and make sure that his friends were okay. That his adorable niece wasn't sick or anything.

"Hey, Elliot... uh, what are you doing here?" Amanda asked as she answered the front door. Hunter was resting on her hip, and she squealed happily when she saw her uncle. Elliot took the baby from her mother, before stepping into the house.

"I was wondering where you were today," Elliot spoke. Amanda shut the door before sighing softly.

"Just needed a day with my girls. Olivia is a little under the weather and I wanted her to get sleep today."

"Oh, what's wrong? Want me to run to the store to get her some medicine?" Elliot asked quickly.

"No, it's fine." Amanda smiled. She went to take Hunter back, but Elliot stopped her.

"Wait." He spoke, and Amanda swallowed hard before nodding slowly.

"What now?" She asked.

"When Olivia is sick, she insists on being alone. She still tries to do everything she does when she's healthy. So what's really wrong with her?" Elliot asked. 

"You can't tell anyone, Elliot Stabler. Not even Jenni until we are ready." Amanda warned. Elliot nodded as he ran his hand over Hunter's chest as she squirmed a bit in his arms.

"I promise." Elliot breathed.

"Olivia had four embryos implanted today."

"What?!" Elliot exclaimed as a smile grew on his lips.

"We decided that we were ready for another baby. After seeing Harrison, it confirmed it for us. We did something different this time though." Amanda spoke.

"How different is different?" Elliot asked.

"Two of the embryos were from her eggs and the other two were from mine. But either way, we are hoping to be announcing this to everyone soon." Amanda spoke. Elliot smiled before hugging her tightly with one arm.

"Congrats, Amanda. I cannot wait to find out if it worked or not." 


Nearly four months later, everyone got invited over to Amanda and Olivia's house for a dinner party. Olivia had spent all day cleaning the house and cooking the food. Hunter was decently easy because all she wanted to do was crawl around the living room and get into the cabinets where all the blankets and pillows were kept.

"I cannot believe that she's just two months shy of a year old." Jenni smiled, as she held Hunter close as Olivia poured wine into glasses for everyone that wasn't nursing or pregnant. 

"I can't believe it either. But I'm excited. Like super excited." Olivia smiled. After telling Elliot about the appointment, he hadn't been kept in the loop. Amanda and Olivia kept the pregnancy very quiet, which was good because there had been a scare around 6 weeks, but with some bed rest, the baby managed to pull through.

 "So, what is this party all about? I really doubt it was to show off your cooking skills." Jenni teased. Olivia laughed softly before looking down at the glasses.

"You'll find out soon." Olivia smiled. She grabbed four glasses before Jenni took two in her free hand. They walked out into the living room and passed out the glasses before Olivia sat down and took Hunter from Jenni. She cuddled her close as everyone just talked about every random shit until the timer went off. Then they walked to the dining room where Olivia sat the large roast on the table with all the side dishes she had made.

Once everyone was settled down and eating, Amanda stood to say a toast.

"This is for Olivia. Thank you for making us this amazing dinner, for keeping us all together, for loving me and Hunter with all of your heart, and for growing our second child. I am so thankful for you. To Olivia." Amanda smiled, as she lifted her glass up. Olivia blushed a bit as everyone turned to look at her.

"Pregnant?" Fin asked as he moved his glass back to the table. Olivia nodded as the red in her cheeks faded.

"16 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I know it might be a shock for you all, but we are excited. I hope you all can be too."

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