Chapter Two - A Visitor

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Hello, sorry if I took too long to update. I was waiting to see if anyone liked or wanted me to continue writing this because I honestly thought it was shizzy. But, I think I should write another chapter even if it is 9 pm.


Draco's POV: (I promise I'll have other POV's.)

They looked at me shocked and then outraged. I could sense the negative energy radiating off of them in my direction. I didn't blame them. I had been a bully until sixth year when my issues with my parents inhanced.

"What is he doing here?" Ron asked bitterly.

"I was just leaving..." I put down my cup and left.

I immediately regretted this decision because my father pulled me back into the forest surrounding everyone's houses. Rage was clearly marked on his as he threw me at a tree. He started yelling at me about how today Bellatrix was supposed to come home to a nice, clean house.

"If she is as unforgiving as I am you better hope you clean the house so that I can see my reflection in everything!" my father then broke my right arm as I yelped in pain, "To make it a challange!"

He walked off leaving me on the ground bleeding and whimpering. I ripped a piece and wrapped my arm also making a sling with the fabric. My shirt was already ruined and I would've had to change it anyway. It was rather uncomfortable and my arm would take a while to heal but it was okay.

I then got up and walked to my house exhausted. All the energy I once had was lost and I wouldn't get dinner that night by the sound of things so I did what I could. I cleaned, and cleaned, and - you guessed it - cleaned. There was only one room left to clean and that was the office. The room was a mess from my fathers disorganised method of working.

Papers were all over the place and books in the wrong spots on the shelves.  I know the placement doesn't matter to most people, but this was my father. I had to put them in alphabetical order by title, not author, and make sure it didn't even reassemble a rainbow. My father had hated everything rainbow since I was 15 years old.

15, the lovely age where everything went downhill. My father angered easily, my mother became quieter, my friends Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle abandoned me. It was a truly wonderful year. I made friends with Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Astoria Greengrass after that. they were also having a tough time at home so we really bonded.

When Blaise said he had a crush on Ron I was shocked but respected that he liked who he liked. If only his mother was the same... he'd be a lot happier. Pansy admitted to have had a crush on me, now she liked some mystery girl. Astoria told us about how she new her father favoured Daphne just because her mother had died right after Astoria's birth.

I wasn't brave enough to admit who I liked. They'd never like me back and had no reason to. I was going to act like it didn't exist anyway, so why tell anyone? It's not like I'd take action or anything.

I opened a draw to put away a file when I saw a list of names. Names of people that were killed by Voldemort. Some names were crossed out, but the names that weren't were the names of alive people. I eventually found my own name on the list which terrified me.

A horrible idea popped into my head. What if my father was going to give this list to Bellatrix so he wouldn't have blood on his hands? Bellatrix'd kill me like she did her sister. I didn't steal the list but I took a photo on my phone and put the files away. With this I could prove my father was guilty and finally be free. But, I wouldn't have anywhere to go.

"Bellatrix is here," my father walked in and grinned when he saw I wasn't finished. 

Panic ran through my veins as I cleaned as fast as I could before she came into the room. And my luck has a way of bringing exactly what I hope doesn't happen to life. Karma for snooping I guess. Bellatrix came in the room playing with a dagger watching me scramble to get everything done as fast as I could without making things look rushed.

I only realised she had entered the room when I felt something sharp stab my left leg. I turned surprised, only to meet a smirking Bellatrix Lestrange kneeling beside me. She took the knife out only to jab it back in. I yelped with pain.

"Happy birthday Dray," she smiled wickedly twisting the blade, "hope it's eventful."

She took the dagger out, stood up and placed her foot on the wound to stop me from getting up. I winced in pain as the heel of her shoe dug into the gash. Bellatrix was merciless and took pleasure in other peoples pain. Living with a woman like that was going to be torture.

I thought about what would've happened if I had been brave enough to face the Golden Trio.  I came to the conclusion things would've been worse. One; I'd have to deal with them possibly punching me in the face. Two; I would've gotten home later and the punishment for not completing my chores would've been worse. In the end, I didn't regret my decision.

"Have fun with that limp," the crazed woman cackled. "Hope you don't run much at school tomorrow."

She left me on the floor thinking about how I was supposed to go to school with my entire family in prison and a banged up body. All I knew for sure was it was going to be a challenge.


I know, I know, it's a rather gruesome chapter. But I promise their will be happier chapters in future. It also might take a while for 'the rescue mission' to finally occur so please be patient. Thank you for reading

       -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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