Chapter Seventeen - Knock Knock

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Hi! I don't really have much to say. Enjoy!


Harry's POV:

When Draco said they were dead it dawned on me the trust that had been broken by them telling me about his situation. They simply smiled gingerly and acted rather shy and awkward. I noticed they were also a bit bruised and I guessed that they were in a similar situation and that was why they couldn't take Draco. They didn't seem as bad though, Lucius had clearly gone insane.

"I understand," Astoria sighed, "but, we couldn't just let it happen."

"It's not like you've never tried to run away..." Blaise pointed out.

"That's besides the point!" Draco wasn't angry, but scared, "I never said you could tell him!"

"Well," Pansy argued, "you can't expect that we're gonna let him hurt you!"

"Who are you talking about?" My mother asked.

"Draco's father Lucius," I answered.

"If he was abusing you why didn't you go to the police?"

"I'd end up in an orphanage," Draco said casually.

"What about your mother?"


"You can't really rather live with your father than in an orphanage," Astoria said as more of a statement.

"Astoria," Blaise cut in, "this is Draco we're talking about."

"He'd rather live with his father in prison," Pansy added a bit sarcastically.

Draco still looked angry and upset but softened a bit. Guess he couldn't afford to loose the few friends he now had. His friends were always so supportive and they were always there for him I noticed after getting to know them. It had never really occurred to me how lonely they really were however.

"We could go to the police now," my mother suggested.

"With the corrupt police in this town," Draco intervened, "my father would just pay them off."

There was another knock on the door and this time I went the see who it was and was shocked by the result. I opedned the door to find Ron standing there. The last person I wanted to talk to was standing at my door. I was both shocked by his arrival and nervous because Draco and his friends were inside.

"May I come in?"


Ron's POV: (Someone new!)

"Um..." Harry seemed nervous, "now's not a good time."

I stopped the door from shutting, "I was out of line. It's not your fault 'Mione's blind."

"You were out of line. But you should be apologising to 'Mione and Pansy."

"Don't tell me you're on her side!"

Harry didn't say anything.

"After all we've been through together!"

"'Mione's right, they're not that bad."

"Right. When they stab you in the back don't come crawling back to me."

I left. I couldn't believe they were defending those killers! after all their families did, after all they did, after Fred's death! They never did any favours other than bully us for things out of our control.

I had to stop ranting in my head when I got home because I didn't want to yell at my family. Ginny was also upset with my shouting at Hermione and Pansy, so she wouldn't listen to reason. She even went as far as to call me a homophobe! Was it my fault Hermione lost her mind and dated a scumbag.

"Prat," she commented as I walked by.

"Git," I replied.

I went up to my bedroom slamming the door shut and flopping onto the bright orange bed. I really only had Lavender left since she was the only one that shared my opinion about the entire circumstance. She was also very annoying, and still had a huge crush on me, but I could figure it out with her help whether we were right or not. I never managed to figure out why Hermione would like a girl like Pansy.

I had to think about the relationship for a while before I realised something crucial to why she might like or even love someone like Pansy. Pansy was risking everything by even associating with Hermione, let alone dating her. The Parkinson's would never be happy about it, and she was taught to think that things like status changed how you could treat people. Hermione probably saw that she felt guilty or didn't really want to act that way. How could I be so stupid!?

I sprinted down the stairs of our house and tried to figure out where she would be. I had three options; the library, her house, or at the cafe. I decided to check her house first hoping if she wasn't home I could at least wait for her. I had some serious apologising to do.


Lucius's POV: (Weird choice I know, but necessary.)

I had searched the entire house and the woods to find no sign of Draco. The evidence that he was even there was the puddle of blood in his bedroom. There was a trail that ended half-way through the forest leading towards a fork in the road. One path led to town, the other to the Black Lake.

"You don't think the brat actually walked in that condition," Bellatrix said. "He would've needed help. Try the Zabini's house."

No sign of him there.


I didn't find him there either.


No trace of him anywhere. He just, vanished. I told Bellatrix to hide somewhere else for that moment. I called the police, surely I'd get my punching bag back if he knew I was looking for him. He'd probably think I actually cared for him, he was just a way to vent out my frustrations, not a son. He isn't good enough to be my son.

"So," the detective started," you say he was here last night?"

"Yes," I said with fake tears, "I searched all over the house. Even the woods and his friends homes. He's gone!"

"How'd the blood get there?"

"I don't know, it wasn't there until this morning."

"Is that - there's hair in the blood!" He bent down and picked a strand of long, dark, curly hair.

"I don't know who's that is."

"I have an idea. We're gonna do some DNA tests."


He left with some blood and the strand after asking a few more pointless questions that led nowhere. It was probably Bellatrix's hair in the blood. I don't know who took him, but I knew the hair wouldn't do anything to help since Bellatrix had an alibi. I'd still let the do their investigation, but I'd do my own and find the right answers.

I swear I'm gonna kill him one of these days!


I'm about half-way through the fanfic, but I don't know for sure. I'm only planning on making thirty-fourty chapters. It's not an exact number. Please check out some of my other works or make suggestions. Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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