Chapter Twenty-Three - Explanations

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Hi! Sorry for not publishing yesterday, I went to Wet and Wild and really didn't feel like doing anything after because I was tired. Again, I'm sorry, but I needed to cool down from the horrid summer heat and it got my mind off a few things so it was fun. I'm just going to write the chapter now. Enjoy!


McGonagall's POV: (I know, weird choice, but it's happening.)

They arrived. I watched them awkwardly make their way to my desk as they squirmed uncomfortably. Their parents and the police were on their way and I would need the police around so that they would get the right story. I couldn't believe they actually arrived, had they escaped? Were they released?

"We must wait for the police and your parents," I explained.

They nodded patiently.

It was about twenty minutes before they arrived, and their parents loked so stunned and the students almost looked... scared? I didn't understand why they were scared but they looked very uncomfortable when hugged by their parents. The police watched the specticle and smiled as they were reunited. I was still ery confused but the children looked sort of relieved once they were released by their parents.

The story they told us was quite strange and the police were positive that the so called 'black hood' was Bellatrix. I didn't quite believe the story because it sounded like whoever kidnapped them wasn't very smart and Bellatrix didn't have a reason to hurt these children. They also didn't seem to believe it themselves which meant they were hiding something, possibly out of fear. But they weren't telling the whole truth.

The police excepted the tale and didn't even investigate who it was to get a clue. The police here were really corrupt but I didn't think they were that stupid. They weren't the brightest and didn't notice how the parents looked at the children after they were told what happened. The parents weren't sure the story was true either because it looked like they knew something else had happened and almost seemed confused.

Once the police left the students and their parents left but not before nodding a goodbye towards me. I nodded in reply and continued with my work, with questions still buzzing around my head. I wasn't sure why, but I felt like the children were happier missing. I felt like maybe they weren't taken, but saved. It was strange, but I had to silence my buzzing head and complete my work.


Draco's POV:

"Right," Ms. Zabini started, "now you're gonna tell us what actually happened because I don't buy that little fable."

"Well," Pansy responded, "we had to lie about some things, and skip parts of the story as to not incriminate you."

"I found the tracker before I was taken," Astoria cut in. "I kept quiet about them so that you might be able to find us."

"The hood found them once we reached the Black Lake," Blaise said.

"And then we were all taken somewhere else," I finished.

"How come I didn't hear you?" My father asked, "I'm certain that I didn't go deaf."

"The hood put a handkerchief over our mouths so that we couldn't be heard," Astoria improvised.

"Well," Mr. Greengrass spoke up, "lets hope this hood doesn't strike again."

They eyed us suspiciously and my father muttered something before leaving and we stood the in relieved silence knowing they didn't buy it but knowing they'd except that story. They weren't pleased, but they couldn't prove that we were lying and that angered them, but they wouldn't have to deal with that until the holidays. They were relieved that they could relax for a few minutes, but they saw something strange. A foot appeared walking around the corner and it looked like they had been here when we were talking, meaning they heard the conversation and we didn't see them.

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