Chapter Twenty-Seven - The First Message

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Hi! I'm updating this again because I've started to figure out who the Black hood is. Yeah, even I didn't quite know. Enjoy!

Warning: No smut, but suggestive content.


Draco's POV:

After the whole situation with Halloween no one felt safe anymore. People started coming to Pansy, Blaise, Astoria and I for answers, but we just didn't have any. We didn't even know what happened. Blaise and Luna told us what happened, and God it sounded terrifying. Police Officers were told to patrol the school, and there was one at my dorm, Pansy's dorm, Blaise's and Astoria's.

Seemed like overkill at first for me, but people began comparing them to Voldemort and that unsettled many. Harry became very protective, and it came to be very annoying. Hermione seemed to be Pansy's bodyguard too, and Ron was always around Blaise. Astoria's roommate - Tessa Phillerson - tried to protect her, but that role was assumed by Neville. 

"You know," I started, "I think the police are enough to keep them away."

"Have you met them?" Harry asked, "The Black hood could get in without anyone noticing, in broad daylight, while their on high alert."

"True. But I really don't need that much protection."

"Blaise was attacked, and so was that Caelyn girl."

I rolled my eyes, "Everyone was in the same place. Now, we're all over the school."

"I still don't trust it."

"Of course you don't. If I didn't know better; I'd say you just wanted to spend more time with me."

"Maybe I do~"

He smirked when he noticed the blush creeping up my neck to my face. After a second he got up from his post on his bed, strutting towards mine and leaning down over my face dominantly. 

"Fuck you!" I exclaimed still blushing.

He didn't seem fazed, "If you want -"

"That's not what I meant!"

"You sure?"


"So, you want me to go over there?"


"So, you want to fuck?"

"Yes! Wait, no -"

"Suit yourself."

I was already sitting on my bed, but Harry picked me up and threw me back down so that I was lying on my bed properly.


"Already screaming my name I see."

"I have not consented to this!"

"Yes you did, you said you wanted to."

"You tricked me!"

"Doesn't mean you don't want to."

There was a knocking sound at the door and I tried to push Harry off. But, him being made of mostly muscle and me having terrible eating habits meant I was unable to. He didn't move either. He yelled out and they answered with their name. It was Neville. Harry asked him what he wanted and they had a whole conversation with: the door closed and Harry on top of me.

Once they were done, I heard footsteps indicating Neville leaving. I gave Harry the: 'get off me, I don't want to fuck,' look and he just smirked. My expression transformed into a glare and harry just rolled his eyes, getting off the top of me. He sighed and went back over to his side of the room.

It was a Sunday, so neither of us had school. Harry was about to get changed before we started talking, and of course now that he was, he looked directly at me. I raised an eyebrow at first, until he pulled off his shirt and I realised he was getting changed. I quickly turned around, but my face was very hot.

Once he was done it was my turn to get changed. He never understood why we couldn't do it at the same time, but it was because I would never be sure if he was looking at me. I preferred not to have an audience when I was getting changed, but Harry didn't seem to mind as much. I kept an eye on Harry to make sure he didn't peek, and waited a second before changing.

I wasn't looked at as far as I could tell, so we went out without too much talking. I was wearing tight black jeans and a button up dark green shirt. Harry was wearing a blue shirt with a darker blue plaid shirt unbuttoned on top and jeans of his own. Before I got to the door, Harry pulled on my arm, bringing me into his arms and planting a kiss on my lips.

It shocked me, but it was only quick and he dragged me out by the arm. We arrived in the corridor with Hermione, Pansy, Blaise, Astoria, Ron, Neville, Luna and Ginny. The corridor was empty apart from us, so we could have a hushed conversation.

"So, why do you think it happened?" Hermione started.

"Simple," Luna answered, "they're trying to warn us of something bigger. It happens all the time in books and films."

"Yes, but Luna," Harry retorted, "this isn't a book, or a film." (I wish it was though...)

Luna shrugged.

Soon enough, Astoria's, Blaise's, Pansy's and mine phones went off, telling us someone had messaged us. (PLL vibes rn.) Blaise took his out and gasped at it. I quickly brought my phone out and saw what it was. A picture of Caelyn, moments before Nicolas found her, and on the brink of death. But, below it, there was a message.

Lies will always catch up to you. Even if they come to fruition. And that's my job.

      - Black Hood

My breath hitched and I heard Pansy start to hyperventilate. Astoria showed everyone what it was and Hermione hugged Pansy so tight and protectively she probably couldn't breathe. Blaise was stunned to stillness while Ron tried to comfort him. I on the other hand, was trembling with Harry rubbing circles on my back. 

What we didn't know at the time, was that we were being watch...


5+39_943'# POV: (Don't ask why I keep doing it this way instead of ????)

It's done.

The messages are sent.

Their faces are priceless.

They're reaction is just hilarious!

They'll pay for what they've done.

No one lies in this town and gets away with it.

No one.

Not police officers.

Not store clerks.

Not students.

Caelyn was much more than a warning.

She was a liar.

She may not've lied on the same scale as Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Astoria, but she lied.

She was a drug addict, and no one knew. (Sorry! But in my defence, I didn't know this would happen till now.)

This town needs to be gleaned of it's liars.

Starting with the 'silver quartet'.


Sorry if it's short, but now we're getting somewhere. This story is taking way longer than I had anticipated, I'm gonna have to make a sequel. I started this with a basic idea, but didn't know it would end up like this so that's good. Don't @ me in the chat saying I should've made a plan! In my school (before it shut down) we were going to meet authors every once a term. We'd already gone once so I didn't miss out, but they said that they often didn't have a plan and just wrote until they figured it out! Also, @Hushabee Sorry about the drug addict thing. But I needed to give her a reason to be a target so there. I've recently started a "HP React to Ships" where MY ships react to other ships. Okay I'm done. Thank you!

       - That_Random_Potato / Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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