Chapter Eight - Meetings

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Hi! Haven't seen you in what, ten minutes. Yeah, more chapters today. I think I've got anti-writers block at the moment. Writers thought? Writers ispiraton? I don't know what to call it? Enjoy!


Draco's POV:

It's been a week since Harry found my bandaged arm. It hadn't occurred to me that it might look like I was cutting myself. I was worried he'd see the horrid tattoo. But I guess that it would've been better if that had been what he really saw because now he wouldn't let me go anywhere alone. Not even the bathroom!

Blaise, Pansy and Astoria thought it was rather funny. They made jokes about that being why I rejected both Pansy and Astoria. It was not the reason. Entirely at least.

It was sport class with Madam Hooch when I started arguing with Harry about why he wouldn't leave me alone. Our teacher noticed and gave us the wonderful detention that was to help us bond. We had to sit in the middle of the school holding hands. It truly was magnificant. (I know Draco isn't really this sarcastic but I figured why not?)

And that leads us to the second worst day of my life. People passing by yelled stuff along the lines of: 'careful, he might get revenge,' or 'he might kill you Harry,' it was extremely annoying. This was because it gave Harry another reason to think I had depression! I mean, I did but I wasn't about t self-diagnose or tell anyone.

After that painful detention was lunch, and I had to rush into the bathroom again because I needed to throw up. I ate a bit much once again. Harry was in the corridor when I left and decided to follow me. I locked the cubicle and threw up in the toilet before I realised that though.

He stood outside the cubicle door while I puked my guts up. Not knowing someone was there I started to cry. I balled my eyes out occasionally pausing to puke. It was that moment that I realised harry was right about my having depression. (I know it's a little gross but it's necessary.)

He managed to pick the lock and kneeled down beside my crying self. When I saw his face I quickly dried my tears and fought to hold back my food. I waited to make sure it was safe to open my mouth and he looked at, pity painted all over his face. I hated pity.

"Get ou -" guess I didn't wait long enough.

"Did you eat something bad," he asked poliely, "or more then you're used to?"

"The fir -"

"Potter?" I recognised that voice as Blaise, "What are doing here?"

"Being nos -"

"He ran past me in the hallway and I followed," Harry replied.

"Right well I didn't ask you to b -"

"Potter," Blaise spoke softly, "just go."

A few seconds later Blaise knelt down beside me with a biscuit. I nibbled on it until I couldn't eat anything more. I couldn't handle it; I didn't deserve all the help and attention I was getting. Especially not from Harry. I wished he had been less nosey.

Blaise helped me up and gestured to the biscuit wanting me too eat more, but I just couldn't do it. I shook my head, silent tears streaming down my pale face. He gave me a gentle hug not wanting to squeeze the food out of me. I was more comfortable with hugging my friends, but I wasn't very used to affection in general.

Instead of going to the student lounge we went outside to get some fresh air. It was nice until Blaise had to leave. I stayed stationary in the cool summer breeze. The air was nice and I could clear my crowded mind.


Harry' POV:

After Blaise asked me to leave he did the strangest thing. He stopped me. He whispered unmistakably clear words.

"Meet me in the student lounge in twenty minutes."

I knew I had to go. After I left the bathroom I found Ginny and Luna. Luna was bright red while Ginny was nervous. They were both very flustered with they saw me and almost looked a little frightened. Why is everyone so scared when I'm around?

Nonetheless, they started a conversation with me despite their obvious nervousness. It was also fairly normal despite that fact. We talked about school, the summer and our room assignments. Apparently they had been put in the same dormitory.

"Well, I gotta go," I left it at that and hurried to the student lounge. I had five minutes to get there before I would be late. I somehow managed to arrive with two minutes to spare. The room was empty as most students only came here to do group projects.

Soon after that, Blaise, Pansy and Astoria arrived with expressions of empathy and worry. But not towards me, towards their friend Draco. He wasn't in the room, but I could tell they were directed at him. The only thing that scared me was that it was empathy. Empathy being when you understand what someone's going through.

They sat down silently and looked at me sadly. They themselves were nervous to share the information they had and were going to let me know about. The silence was only broken when Astoria sighed and started the conversation.

"If Draco knew we were telling you this he'd kill us," she explained.

"He hasn't been on the best of terms with his old friends or his family since the age of 15," Pansy added in.

"I noticed," I started plainly, "Crabbe and Goyle keep picking on him."

"Not just that..."

"It's why they stopped being friends that Draco's worried about," Blaise chimed in.

"When they told his father about why Draco's world fell apart..." Astoria trailed off a bit, "but he refuses to tell us what it is they know."

"His family forced him to join the Death-Eaters as you know," Pansy cleared her throat, "but he never wanted to."

"They killed his mother when she freed some prisoners. Killed by her own sister... that's why Draco dislikes his aunt's escape."

"His father has treated him like a slave since he was 16..." Blaise added, "he would beat him for the smallest things and didn't feed him much either..."

"We want you to help him escape over the holidays," Pansy blurted out.

"Why can't you help him?" I asked.

"Our homes wouldn't be much better and our parents would send him back," Blaise sighed.

"Please?" Astoria begged, "We'll help. But we can't take him to our homes."

"I'll do it!" I answered.


There you go, nice long chapter for you to enjoy. Even though if you're reading this you've already finished... I'm a goof. Again, please check out some of me other books. Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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