Chapter Twenty - Problematic

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Hi! I just saw you so I don't know why I said hi, but I did. I am aware most of you, haven't gotten up to here, but I can still say hi can't I? Just, read the chapter already. Enjoy!

Warning: Swears-ish.


Blaise's POV: (I told you we'd see new POV's)

I had packed my bag with the essentials of life and all the necessary equipment. With my mother downstairs with her new boyfriend, I knew she wouldn't entre my room. She'd be with him all night - if you catch my drift. I had plenty of time to get ready, but I wasn't going take forever. Astoria wouldn't have a lot of time and it needed to be done quickly.

Ginny appeared in the window and I opened it to see they had already visited Pansy. Ginny helped me climb down the ladder and I saw that pansy had been bloodied up pretty bad. Apparently her mother found out about her and Hermione's relationship. Ron started to pat me down and I stood there shocked, blushing and looking like a fool.

"Pansy had a trackr," Luna said as though it were perfectly normal.

"Still do," Pansy added, "we're were going to leave them somewhere for our parents to find."

"Found it!" Ron exclaimed.

"Do you only have one pair of shoes?" Ginny asked.

"All of my other shoes are fancy or uncomfortable," I answered.

We left and headed off to Astoria's house. Her house would be slightly more challenging as she had a sister in our grade named Daphne.  Daphne wasn't abused since she was seen as 'perfect and flawless,' and was dating Goyle. Her best friend Millicent was also a garanteed visitor and possibly her boyfriend Crabbe.

She also had no windows into her room so we'd have to go in through the front door or a window to a different room. Either way, It would be very difficult to not be spotted. She said she'd leave a note somewhere outside telling us where to come in from. Hopefully we'd be able to leave the same way.


Astoria's POV: ('Nother newcomer!)

My mother sent me to my room after 'being rude our house guests'. Is it my fault Bulstrode mentioned my parents obvious favouritism towards my 'perfect' sister Daphne? I hated being a Greegrass. I wrote a note saying that Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Luna and the others if they had been picked up where to come in from. I then dropped it out of a window in the hall.

Soon after, Daphne's new friend Theodore Nott (because why nott. budum chi) came in to pay me a visit. He supposedly never shut up about how cute or goo looking he thought I was, Daphne's words not mine. I was pretty sure it was illegal for a nineteen year old to date a seventeen year old. Granted, that would be next year - but still illegal.

"Hey," he sat next to me making me uncomfortable.

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly.

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself and closed it. He then turned to face and all of a sudden his lips were on mine. I pushed him off and kicked him out slamming the door shut. (Here come the swears-ish.) That b*tch stole my first f*cking kiss! (B*tch because I personally think he's gay, but for the parpose of this fanfic he's nott. Sorry couldn't resist.)

I waited for what seemed like forever and crazy irrational thoughts clouded all reasonable ideas. Had they forgotten about me? Had something gone wrong? Had they bee seen? More silly questions similar to them started to fill my head until I came up with dozens of possibilities for how it could've gone wrong. My bubbling anxiety started to reach the surface and I was on the verge of having a panic attack.

"Psst!" I looked over to see Ron.

"Quick," Blaise impatiently hissed, "your family and their friends won't stay downstairs forever!"

I got up and ran to the door with my bag and saw what they had meant. My father was watching something small and started to walk up the stairs. Luna then pulled something from my earing and threw it back into the bedroom. They explained that it was a tracker and that Blaise and Pansy also had, had one. And still did in their pocket.

"He's coming upstairs!" Hermione hissed.

We dashed into the nearest room - a closet - and waited for him to leave. He went into my room and yelled something, screaming that I was gone. Everyone in the house was on high alert and Goyle guarded the way Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Pansy, Blaise and Luna came in from because he saw the ladder. We'd have to take a different ruite to get out.

When my father went in the other direction inspecting the other rooms, we took the opportunity to sneak downstairs. We stopped and ducked behind the couch when we saw Millicent come in. She scanned the room and then left the way she came. We then snuck into the kitchen.

"Sorry," Pansy said after accidentally knocking a dish off the bench.

Crabbe burst in and picked a cooks knife from the bench for self-defence, I hope. Mother had been in the middle of cooking dinner when father went into my room.  Crabbe went the island and we had to do the same as to not get caught. There was a sudden noise - a door shutting upstairs from my father's searching - coming from upstairs.

When he left to see what it was, we went into my parents bedroom to hide from my mother. We were so close to the front door. My mother eventually decided that we might be hiding in her room, via my terrible luck. We piled under the bed. Seeing as there wasn't enough room for all of us to lay next to each other, some people had to go on top of others. It was quite entertaining. (It will be the ships because why nott. I siriusly need to stop with these lupuns.)

"This is intimate," Pansy whispered with blush covering her pale face.

"Shush!" Hermione hissed. She was the one that had to go on all fours over Pansy.

Blaise was looking up at Ron with his dark complexion hiding his blush and Luna doing the same with Ginny, only her blush was very visible. I felt lucky but lonely at the same time, I didn't have a possible loved one. The mattress above us sunk a bit causing Ron to have to press closer While Hermione stayed stationary. Ginny did have to move a little bit closer to Luna, but not as much as her older brother. My mother was prbably making sure no one was under the bed knowing we'd leave and she wouldn't catch us if she just looked underneath the bed.

The mattress sunk yet lower, this made Ron put his face to the crook of Blaise's neck. Ginny and Luna had their noses pressed together and Hermione had to move a little closer to Pansy. They were all in very intimate positions and I fought to hold my laughter in. It was very funny that Blaise and Ron were the closest, considering they weren't the ones dating. 

Suddenly the mattress rose again and I heard the clicking of my mothers heels against the wooden floor. I saw her shoes walk into the bathroo and silently slid out from under the bed and the others followed me. We then tip toed to the entrance and opened the door quietly. We left the building and tried to shut the door as quietly as we could.

It made a loud thud when it closed and we all ran around the back of the house to leave before we were seen. No one was in the back garden and we climbed over the fence into the surrounding forest. We ran to the Black Lake leaving Blaise's and Pansy's trackers there. We all went in different directions after that. Things were going to get interesting.


Yeah, I might write another chapter because I got an idea while writing this. -_- I really need to stop with this anti-writers block. Writers I give up. Can you please tell me what to call it. And check out some of my other works too. Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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