Chapter Eleven - Tears

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Hi! I'm not gonna forget about you today lovely readers. I would appreciate it if you maybe made some suggestions. It's entirely up to you but I would like to know what you want added to this story. Enjoy!


Harry's POV:

"What on Earth are you talking about!?" Hermione exclaimed.

"You know very well what I'm talking about!" Ron yelled back, "You and Parkinson aye!?"

"That's - So what!? Is it because she's a girl!?"

"Bloody hell 'Mione! I don't give a damn what gender they are! She's Pansy Parkinson for crying out loud!"


"Hey!" Draco called out to them, "If you ever bothered to be more open minded Weasel, you'd see she's not a bad person!"

"Oh sod off Malfoy!" Ron shouted angrily, "What!? You too Harry!?"

"What!?" I had no idea how I was roped into the conversation, "What do you mean 'you too!?''

"Oh please! All you ever talk about is that bloody killer!"

Draco left. He didn't say anything, he just headed in the direction of the bathroom. Ever since I saw the bandages I worried every time he went somewhere secluded alone. So, I instinctively followed him into the cold room. I couldn't help it!

He went to his usual cubicle and slammed the door shut, I however managed to open it before he could lock it. He sunk onto the floor muttering something inaudible and tears began to drip down his face. I sat down beside him closing the door and locking it. Whether he wanted my help or not, he was going to get it.

He looked away clearly not wanting to be seen in the vulnerable or emotional state he was currently in. I didn't like seeing him upset or crying for some unknown reason. My guess was because of the abuse he faced at his home. He had been through enough to drive someone mad, and somehow kept his sanity.

But I guess Ron didn't know what I knew despite the obvious signs and signals. I still hated him for what he said because he knew Draco was suffering enough from the other students comments. I pulled the pale crying boy into my arms even with the hatred towards Ron bubbling underneath the surface. He was very light and all my anger faded away and morphed into sympathy.

"I don't think of you like that," I whispered. "It's okay, you can cry. I won't judge."

"Crying makes you weak..." Draco whispered in reply, "Especially when in front of people..."

"Whoever told you that is lying. Letting out your emotions is one of the bravest things someone can do. You just need to open up to people..."

"I guess I'm not as brave as you thought..."

"Draco... never say you aren't brave..."


"Because, you opened up to your friends... You're opening up to me right now."

More tears spilled down his face and instead of crying he was sobbing with droplets dripping off his face. He looked so... sad and empty. I had never wanted to hug someone so bad before that moment. But, he seemed so fragile and I was almost terrified that he would snap if I hugged him too tight.

We sat like that until Draco stopped crying and calmed down slightly and wouldn't fall over if I helped him up. He managed to sat up and wiped the his red and puffy eyes. I stood up and helped him to his feet. Everyone would've already had breakfast, but I was surprised when I saw Pansy Parkinson crying in Hermione's arms while Astoria tried to calm Blaise down.


Pansy's POV: (I know! Someone else's POV!)

I was leaving the dining hall with Blaise and Astoria because we got worried and wanted to find Draco. But, when we left instead of finding the blonde haired boy we came face-to-face with something strange. Hermione and Ron were arguing in the empty corridor.

"Woah," Blaise said as he caught Ron.

"Argh!" Ron grumbled getting up and pushing Blaise to the floor in the process. I then helped him up, "Oh look 'Mione! Parkinson could be cheating!"

My heart stopped and I froze.

"She's helping a friend!" Hermione exclaimed, "I don't see that as cruel!"

"W-What d-do you me-an, chating..?" I stuttered.

I'm sorry Pansy... I don't know how he found out..."

"I'm glad I did!" Ron yelled, "So, what exactly is it you see in her!? Is it hercruelty!"


"Is it, her bullying!"

"That's enough!" Astoria butted in.

"Alright, I'll leave. But don't say I didn't warn you!"

I let a few tears trickle down my cheeks hating that words could hurt so much. Has he never heard the saying 'our experiences make us who we are'? I only ever did those things because that was what I was raised to think, I knew it didn't give me an excuse, but people can change. I knew I didn't deserve her, but it still hurt.

"He's just angry..." Hermione said apologetically.

"Yeah," Astoria replied sarcastically, "I'd yell at my friends for falling in love too."

"Astoria!" I hissed, "He doesn't know! Well, since you probably guessed; Hermione is the mystery girl."

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Blaise said formally. "I hope we can be friends."

"Nice to meet you," Hermione replied. When she looked at me however, her expression changed, "He just doesn't like that I broke up with him for you."

"I know but..." I started, "he's right..."

"Pansy..." Blaise said softly, "don't think like that."

More tears slipped down my cheeks and Hermione pulled me into her warm embrace. We went back into the dining hall and noticed it was empty. It was the weekend and so it was expected that people were going out. The four of us sat there a while.


Hello again! I know this chapter is short compared to the last one but I can't make them all that length. Anyway, I would like it if you would please check out some of my other books. Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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