Chapter Twenty-Nine - I Might Love You

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Hi! We finally gettin' Blairon, we finally gettin' Blairon! Whoo! Don't you just love when your ship finally gets together? Honestly, I was so happy when watching TVD (The Vampire Diaries), Descendants (despite Jaylos and Lane not happening), and reading One of Us is Lying, man I ship Natwyn, and I knew the other dude was gay, not even lying he was canonically gay. And people were bullying him for it when he was dating a fucking model! They just jealous. I'm getting off track... Enjoy!


Blaise's POV:

It had been maybe two days when Draco was finally allowed to take the bandage off. He still wore long-sleeves, but he always did anyway. But Astoria and Pansy had both encountered the imfamous Blackhood and I knew I was next. What I had not expected when I was finally the victim, was for it to be during class.

I was supposed to deliver some papers to the Head Mistresses office when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to find no one there. So being the idiot I am, a continued on my way not giving it another thought. I gave McGonagall her paper's and it was on my way back that something happened.

I turned a corner to find Lavender Brown lying on the floor with cuts and bruises littering her body. I ran over to assist her and she was - thankfully - alive. She was exhausted and asked me to get her to Madam Pomfrey's office. So that's what I did and she helped. Lavender explained what she saw and I was instructed to go back to class.

Bit stupid on Pomfrey's part, but she didn't like uninjured people in her office. So, again I say, I'm an idiot - I went back to class and was slammed against a wall before I reached the door. Before I could get a look at who it was, I was punched in the face and fell to the floor. The world seemed kilometers away, and I felt dizzy.

The world faded away and I didn't know what happened next.


Ron's POV:

I found Blaise unconscious in the corridor and brought him to our dormitory. He was bleeding from the nose and had a bruise near his hair line. Thankfully, his nose wasn't broken and I could just put a tissue there to clean it off. Once I finished a sat there just looking at him until he stirred.

He blinked a few times before registering where was and sat bolt upright. I quickly placed a hand on his back and shoulder, keeping him from falling back down.

"Got up a bit fast there mate," I commented, "You need to lay down."

"How long was I out?" He asked.

"You missed the rest of classes, but the teachers understood."

"I got dinner for you. Tonight's soup night, but I think that should be fine."

Blaise smiled, his brown eyes sparkling as he did so. I picked the bowl of soup off the bedside cabinet and gave it to him. He positioned himself properly before taking his dinner and beginning to eat. I didn't move from my post, and we talked a bit. Apparently the Black Hood had also attacked Lavender. 

Blaise yawned after putting the bowl on his dresser and laid back down, ready to sleep. I was about to get up but he had hold of my hand, so I pushed him over and rested next to him. As I was about to fall asleep, I said something I hadn't meant to say out loud.

"I think I might love you."

Blaise smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead, "I think I might too."

And with that, we fell into a peaceful slumber, completely unaware of the eyes watching us.


34!83'# POV: (I'll explain this eventually.)

Blaise wasn't supposed to see her.

Lavender was supposed to be today, and we'd do him tomorrow!

Why does everything have to go wrong!?

I guess we've got help now so that's something.

But the silver quartet aren't the only liars in that group.

They all lied to the police and they aren't getting away with it!

I guess I'm a vigilante of sorts.

Taking matter's into my own hands.

But I promise you this.

They'll be a dead body or more on the police's hands when we're done. 

Guess they'll continue to think it's Bellatrix.

She is a serial killer after all.

It's all planned out.

We'll pin our crimes on her and get away with everything.

Brilliant idea if I do say so myself.

Phase two of the plan is already complete.

Now onto phase three.

Because if you can't tell the truth, you just have to make a lie the truth...


Yeah I know. It's a really short chapter. But we finally got some Blairon! I'm curious if you have a guess on who the Black Hood is. I'd like to see your theories so please comment them. Thank you!

       - Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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