Chapter Four - Roommates and Randoms

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Hi! So, I wanted to say this real quick, I would like at least one person to read some of my other works. I do have two others. But that's all I wanted to say so enjoy!


Harry's POV:

My mother had just dropped me off at school when I saw Luna and Ginny talking. Ginny seemed to be getting less aggravated at something. Luna tilted her head in the direction of three students I recognised as Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. Only, they all seemed sad.

Then I noticed that Draco not only had a black eye and broken arm; but a bandaged leg and was was significantly shorter than the others. I thought about it and realised even Hermione was taller than him. Then I saw that Pansy and Blaise also had a few bruises. What had happened to them?

Ron pulled me out of my thoughts when dragging me to look at the room assignments. I looked at my name to see I was dorming with Malfoy this year. Ron was with Zabini and Hermione with Parkinson. Neville was with Ernie Macmillan which wasn't so bad.

"No..." I whispered.

Soon enough, Draco appeared and saw who he was with. Though, when he saw it he wasn't angry... but, scared? Why was he scared to dorm with me? If anything I should be the scared one. I'm not the one with an entire family of killers. I was the towns saviour.

The room number was 214; meaning it was the fourth room of the boys corridor on the second floor. I glared at the blonde before heading up to the dorm. He wasn't behind me which meant I could choose my side of the dorm before he had the chance to argue. I really didn't want to fight over something as petty as which side we wanted. (And this is why he's scared of you harry.)

It was the same as ever; two beds, cupboard for clothes and two desks. I went to the left side of the room seeing as the layout was more familiar. I unpacked and organised my things into their correct places. I had made a goal to be more organised so Hermione would stop badgering me. When I finished Draco walked in with his suitcase and silently went to his side of the room.

"Malfoy," I whispered between clenched teeth.

"Did you say something?" He replied agitated, "Well, spit it out!"

"Did you shrink or something?"

He didn't reply clearly taken aback by the fact that I even cared. Still, he just looked at me with a shocked expression then looked away clouding his emotions. He had not grown a bit, practically everyone was taller than him. He was a head taller then my last year, and now the opposite was true. It was strange to be taller than the blonde.

"Why do you care?" He finally asked said unpacking his clothes.

"Because even Hermione and Parkinson are taller than you now," I replied.

"Tch! Course, second tallest kid stops growing and everyone worries."

"Well, it's just I'm not used to looking down at you."

At these words he quickly looked in the opposite direction and fell silent. He was also very skinny for his age; 17 year old's don't usually have to buy an extra small uniform. He was also paler than usual if that was even possible with huge dark circles under his eyes. After I thought about it, I realised he looked like he hadn't been eating or sleeping much.

"You're also very skinny," I started. "Have you been eating?"

"Yes I've been eating!" He answered angrily, "Just mind your own damn business!"

"It's not healthy to be that skinny at 17 -"

"Just leave it alone! I am eating! And I'm not 17 for your information. I'm 18."

"Well, that's worse -"

"Just keep your nose out of other peoples business for once!" (You got anger management problems Dray.)

there was a knock on the door and I opened it to see the dark figure of Blaise Zabini. I hadn't noticed the extent of his injuries until we were closer. He had a broken nose and a giant bruise on his neck. He poked his head in to say that our new timetables were at Headmistress McGonagall's office.

"Oh and before I forget," Blaise added, "Astoria wants to see you Draco."

Draco nodded and finished putting his books away before leaving. I noticed just how banged up he was at that moment.

"How'd you get those injuries?" He stopped dead in his tracks at the question.

"Random people in the street that had family members killed by my aunt," it didn't sound like he was being honest, but it made sense.


He wasn't technically lying. His mother was killed by Bellatrix and it was his father and aunt. It just wasn't the whole truth. Anyway I hope you liked this chapter even if it is a bit short. Thank you!

       -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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