Chapter Thirty - When Lies Become Truth

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Hi! Last Chapter! I'm so excited to finally have reached this point! Um, I'm going to be writing a sequel called "The Liars Den". And you'll see why it's going to be called that after reading this chapter. Enjoy!


Astoria's POV: (Eek! So excited!)

I had gone to sleep. I didn't know what would happen. Christmas holidays were starting the next day. But that didn't matter to the infamous Black Hood. They didn't care whether we had plans, they didn't care whether we weren't expecting them, they didn't care whether we had finally begun to feel safe. I thought it was over. They hadn't made a move since knocking Blaise out and beating Lavender.

But when I woke up that morning, I didn't see the familiar scene of golden light from the sunrise or hear the snoring of my dormmate. No, that day I didn't see my dormitory at all. I saw nothing. Nothing at all. I had a black cloth bag over my head and my hands were tied behind my back, but I could hear the shuffling of feet.

Soon enough, the bag was ripped off my head and the light assaulted my eyes. Blinking a few times, I looked at the clock in the room, it's ticking noise louder than my own breathing. 4 a.m., I read the clock and the other person in the room spoke.

"Been a while hasn't it, Astoria Greengrass."

My breath caught in my throat. Oh my god, I know that voice. Soon enough, the sound of my heart beat blocked the sound of the ticking clock.

"Why?" I asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because, my friend," the Black Hood replied, "no one - and I mean no one - can lie to the police and get away with it. But, we had no proof you lied. So, the only why to stop you from lying, was to make your lie the truth."

"Wait, Draco, Pansy, Blaise. Where are they!?"

"That is none of your concern now is it?"

"Of course it is, they're my friends!"

"Goodbye Astoria, and while you wait, think about why you're here?"

"No wait! Where are they!? Where are we!? Come back! I still have questions!"

The door closed. I was trapped. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no way out. I couldn't do anything to help my friends. All I could do, was try and guess who the second Black Hood was. After all, their had been two people in that bathroom talking.


Draco's POV:

Cold. Hot. I was cold, but my head was hot. I opened my eyes to see black. Then I saw colour. Well, not colour, but grey and possibly blue. Then I heard the clock ticking, and saw it was four in the morning, on the dot. 

"Good morning Draco," a voice spoke from behind me that I vaguely recognised, "How's it hanging?"

"Who are you?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm a little hurt, I would've thought you'd recognised your own Chemistry partner's voice."

Oh. Oh! "So it's you."


"Whose the other one?"

"Someone, not gonna say who, told us about how they saw some red hair. Now who has red hair? The Weasley's."

"Listen whatever you think you know -"

"I don't need anymore of your lies! I heard your conversation with your parents!"

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