Chapter Twenty-Eight - Targetted

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Hi! So, this will be a slightly intense but fluffy chapter... I don't know how, but I did it... Enjoy!

Harry's POV: (Feels kind weird to type that ngl. Why did I just think of narggles?)

After a week of Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Astoria getting strange messages there was a sighting. In fact, it was Draco and I that saw them. But we didn't report it to the police, knowing they hadn't the slightest clue what was going on. If we had told them the investigation would've gone backwards.

We were walking back to school after a weekend trip to the nearby town of Hogsmeade. The sun was setting and we wanted to get back before curfew. We managed to get inside safely, but I swear the staircases move. We had to navigate our way through the school and made the horrible decision of splitting up.

I walked through the twisting and turning corridors until I found the stairs, but heard a scream soon after. I - of course - ran towards the sound like the idiot I am and found a speaker. It hadn't even been anywhere near where Draco had gone. I cursed under my breathe and ran to where we had gone our separate ways, eventually finding it and beginning the search for Draco.

"Draco!" I began to yell.

No reply.


No reply.


The urgency in my voice was clear, but there was no reply to any of my shouting. I continued to yell his name's in the hopes that he would answer, but there was nothing. Until, I found him. He was lying unconscious with something carved into his arm. I rolled up his sleeve to see the message: 'This is a warning'.


Draco's POV: (Yes you're going to find out what happened.)

We went our separate ways. The school was a bit of a maze and did seem to change in format, but that could just be us. After a few seconds I heard screaming, and when I turned to look for the source I heard Harry yell out my name. I was about to yell back when something was shoved over my head. A plastic bag.

I couldn't breathe and it was held tightly around my head. My vision started to go blurry and my hearing wavered. Am I dying? I asked myself, Is this how I go? I began to panic and - despite my effort to slow my breathing - began hyperventilating. The bag was ripped off my head and I fell to the ground, hitting my head and making the world go black.


I woke up on a soft surface but didn't move until my memories flooded back to me. I bolted upright and noticed a sting in my right arm. It was entirely wrapped in bandages with a few blood stains. I looked at it with a confused expression before noticing I was back in the dormitory.

"I found you unconscious with a message carved into your arm," I heard Harry state.

"What was it?" I asked.

Harry sighed, "'This is a warning'."

"So I take it this isn't the last we'll hear of? Wonderful."

"I cleaned it off and gave you a bandage, but I wouldn't move it too much."

"Great. What do we tell people?"

"You fell over and sliced your arm on a ... I don't know?"

"Rock? Could've cut it on a rock?"

"That's true."

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