Chapter Eighteen - News and Habits

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Hi! I started another fanfiction called Slytherin Skulls. It's very gory and mature, but I think some people might like it. It's not Drarry because I am not exclusive to certain ships, but it does contain Dransy, Bleodore, Millaphne and Croyle. You might not like those ships, but it isn't the main focus of the story. I'm still gonna update this fanfiction and I'm trying to finish it fairly quickly because I want to focus more on some of my other stories. Enjoy!

Warning: More dominent Harry content.


Draco's POV:

It was around dinner time when the news started. I still wasn't used to eating more than a third of a meal, so I was very shy around the food. Lily didn't seem to question my poor eating habits, but I could see she didn't like that I couldn't finish. Harry n the other hand was constantly trying to help me improve those habits.

It was when we were all full that we heard it.

"The blood has been confirmed to belong to Draco Malfoy," A reporter stated," the strand of her is being tested, but believed to belong to Bellatrix Lestrange. There wasno sign of struggle, but it's clear that she attacked him through the window and took him. Lucius was in tears when he called the police, claiming his son had gone missing."

I stood there stiller then a statue and so quiet you might think I had died of shock. How could my father report me missing and claim he was innocent, I thought. The holidays were going to be terrible. What would everyone at school think? How am I even supposed to go to school? It just can't be done!

"That git!" Harry exclaimed, "How is he gonna claim Bellatrix kidnapped you after all he did to you!?"

"Why was Bellatrix even at your house?" Lily asked.

"If I had gone to the police my father would claim she broke in," Draco explained," And then beat me 'til I couldn't stand."

"You're kidding," Harry clearly thought it was my father that did all this to me.

Why would I joke about something like this?"

"Well," Lily intervened, "how about a movie?"

She put a film on about this human girl falling in love with a vampire boy. It was absolutely Horrible, but Harry seemed to think it was okay. (Twilight sucks!) I don't know why people like it, it's literally about someone being stupid enough to die for love. It didn't make much sense either.

When it ended - thank god - we all went to bed. The guest bedroom was blue and cosy, and it looked like they didn't have guests over that often. It almost resembled one of those rooms you see in home and gardening magazines. It wasn't as cold and lonely as what I was used to so that was nice. It wasn't as blood splattered either...

Harry was in the room nextdoor, and I could tell he was worried about whether I would run home. It was plastered all over his face after the news segment. He didn't like the idea of leaving me alone, fearing what might come of it. I guess I don't blame him after our first day back at school.

But one question still lingered and wouldn't let me sleep. How far was my father willing to go to find me?


Harry's POV:

When I woke up, it was with a start. I got up because I had heard a loud thud and presumed it was Draco. He had had either falllen out of bed or down the stairs again. The guy was seriously clumsy.

When I got to the hallway, Draco was stumbling out of the door and appear to have reopened his wounds. I grabbed his arm to stop him from falling down the stairs again. He resisted my touch until he saw my face and realised I was me. Of course his legs and hip were bleeding again, so I took him into the bathroom to fix him up again.

"We need to put a bell on you or something," I joked.

"Old habits die hard," he responded.

"Well, surely the room decoration would give away that you weren't home."

He didn't say anything. Minutes passed and the last injury was the giant gash on his hip. I lifted his shirt a millimetre and he pulled it out of my grasp not liking the idea. I looked him in the eye with an expression telling him I was going to fix the wound.

"Fine," he bellowed.

I lifted the shirt and wrapped his lower torso with the clean bandage.  Again, I hadn't realised how close I had gotten and came face-to-face with a blushing Draco. He was always blushing or flustered whenever we were close like that, it was his tell that he liked me back. 

Of course, being the confident dare devil I am, I flirted with him knowing he liked me back. He became even more red whenever I did so, prooving I was right. Whether he would admit it was another thing. Obviously this time was no exception. I wouldn't flirt if he didn't like me, but I knew he did.

I pulled him closer and rested my forehead on his and I could feel his shaky breathing. Being that he was considerably shorter than me, the sink really only lifted him up a little bit. He placed his hands inbetween us as a defence mechanism and was rather shy about the whole thing. I didn't care though, I placed my right hand on his face gently.

"Um..." he wasn't very confident.

"What?" I asked, "Scared?" (Pottah! Sorry, I had to.)

"I'm not scared! Just, not exactly, fearless..."

"Sounds like you're scared to me."

"I -"

I didn't give him a chance to finish because I pressed my lips to his. He didn't push me away - or kiss back - but it was a start. When I pulled away he was quite red and had a bewildered expression on his face. He didn't do anything, so - being the brave and confident person I was - I kissed him again. Only this time, he kissed back.


Lucius's POV:

After the news article I knew Bellatrix'd be the polices number one priority. I had a hidden room underneath the office and so she hid there while the investigation was ongoing. The police were positive it was her who had taken Draco, while I was positive it was some angry person who hated my family. I plastered missing posters all over the town in the hopes that someone had seen the brat.

I started my own investigation, and got his friends' parents to help with it. They knew that he wasn't at their homes, so that narrowed the list to everyone in town with a grudge against him. The idea that he would run away was about as likely as the idea that Voldemort had liked Lily Potter. I had to ask the others to place trackers on their children so we could find out if they knew.

They did so. And their children went to strange places like: the Lovegood's, the Granger's, the Weasley's and the Potter's. I was convinced that he was at one of those places, but I decided to wait until school started again to confront them. Their children would be at school making it easy for them to slip up. The plan was flawless.

The only thing was, their parents probably wouldn't trust me.


Hello again! Yeah, I want to finish this quickly so that I can focus on my other works and maybe write another Drarry fanfic when one of the others is done. It's taking a lot longer than I expected so I might end it on a cliffhanger and make a sequel of better quality. It's really difficult to write longer chapters with fanfictions solely based on ships. That's why Slytherin Skulls has chapters that hve over three thousand words while this one has chapters that vary from five hundred to two thousand. Please check out some of my other works and make suggestions. Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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