Chapter Twenty-Four - Moments to Never Forget

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Hi! Sorry for this being so late, I was getting ready for school, and today was my second day, so ... it kind of got pushed aside for more important matters. I don't stay up late or wake up early, so I wouldn't be able to do it then. Again I apologise, but I was also working on the continuation of 'The Not-So Golden Trio' so I had a lot on my plate. Not to mention getting used to my knew glasses and - embarrassingly - having to put up with horrid cramps... I hope it's not too much of an issue, in the long run I think it will be better to have prepared and planned chapters instead of rushed and cruddy ones though. Enjoy!


Neville's POV: (I know~ it's Asteville time!)

I was walking through the corridors of school and heard all sorts of crazy rumours about how Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Astoria weren't the only victims. Some students claimed the 'black Hood' had tried to attack them, when I'm pretty sure they were just craving some attention. I didn't believe any of these rumours because I wasn't much of a gossiper and really detested the idea of it. I was almost positive the 'Black Hood' just had a bone to pick with the four students, but I would come to find just how wrong I was.

Once I reached the end of the corridor, I found Astoria sitting in a dark corner hugging her legs to her chest tightly. Her hair was falling in her face and she had visible tear stains on her cheek making it clear she was upset. I sat down next to her and asked what was wrong. She didn't really want to open up to me, but her eyes were red and puffy and I couldn't bare the thought of leaving someone in that state.

"I don't want to talk about it okay," she sighed with a lump clearly still in her throat.

"What if I told you a tory about when I was younger?" I suggested, "Would that help you feel more comfortable?"


"Okay, I remember being about eight years old, but my grandma and grandpa wanted me to be more sporty. They tried sport after sport and I eventually got too many injuries and no one would train me. They were a bit dissapointed, and they still constantly try to get me more interested, but I'm more of the academic type."

"That's, sad. I'm sorry about that, I guess it's my turn aye?"

I nodded.

"Well, I was talking to my father on the phone, he said that my mother had gotten sooo worried about me when I disappeared. She's now in the hospital for putting to much stress on herself and everyone blames me. I didn't want her to be in that state, but she also blames me and now I'm even more excluded from the family than I already was. Guess we've all got our own battles."

"I'm sorry about your mother, but it's not your fault you were taken."

She looked at me weirdly and then seemed to remember something, "Right, taken. Well, it was nice talking to you. Hope we meet again."

And with that, she left making me confused. I didn't know why she acted so strangely when I mentioned her being taken, but I wasn't sure of anything anymore. Maybe I reminded her of the terrible situation she had been in, maybe I had almost gotten the truth out of her. Only time would tell, and what it would tell me was something very different to what I had heard. Very few knew of what had actually happened, and I would soon join them.


I was in the bathroom when I heard a strange conversation. There were two voices, I recognised both of them but I didn't know where from. They spoke about something that caught my attention because they had mentioned Halloween. The school would be throwing a dance because of the celebration and I was shocked to hear hushed whispers about it.

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