Chapter Nineteen - More Planning and Discoveries

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Hi! We've reached over 200 reads! Thank you so much for taking interest in my fanfiction! I think I'm going to write two chapters today because I have an idea but to write it in one chapter wouldn't be the right length so I've split it into two. Enjoy!


Draco's POV:

The first week of holidays went by rather slowly compared to how other holidays have gone in the past. But I guess I'm not where I was then. Harry was constantly flirting and clearly knew about my feelings, but I would still never admit them. Ron had apologised to Hermione and Pansy for what he said. They of course forgave him, and in turn, so did I. Harry had also told everyone why I was at his house.

"You know the entire town is looking for you," Ron pointed out. Your father's offering a thousand dollar reward."

"Man he's persistent," Blaise was almost certain the police would find Bellatrix and the investigation would go haywire.

"Maybe he wants to make things right?" Hermione suggested.

"Lucius is trying to make things right, and I'm secretly a magical creature," Pansy said sarcastically. (I wouldn't be too sure Pans.)

"How will I go to school?" I asked.

"Oh God I never thought of that!" Harry exclaimed.

"Maybe Bellatrix will've been found by then?" Ginny suggested.

"I highly doubt that," Astoria cut in. (I ship Gistoria all the way, but I didn't want to do entirely my ships.)

"You know our parents have been acting weird around us since it was announced you had 'gone missing'," Blaise remarked.

"Yeah!" Pansy chimed in, "And my mother's been acting super weird whenever I talk to girls!"

"You don't think she knows?" Hermione seemed worried.

"God I hope not."

"Imagine the beating you'd face," Astoria sighed.

"Maybe I should 'go missing' like Draco."

"I think you could all do with 'going missing'," Luna added in.

"Not the worst idea," Blaise said.

"Do you really want to be something people hunt for money?" I asked.

"Better than being abused," Astoria replied.

"Who'll you guys stay with?" Harry spoke up.

"Pansy'll obviously stay with 'Mione," Ron answered, "Blaise could stay with me and Astoria with Luna."

"I'm fine with that," Luna said.

"Than it's settled," Hermione said, "we do this tonight."

"Roger that," Ginny joked.

I still had to wrap my head around the crazy idea. I didn't think it was going to work, but we had to try.


Pansy's POV: (Back to her I know, promise we'll see other people's POV's)

I was packing the essentials like a toothbrush some clothes and a hairbrush for the road ahead when I heard something hit my window. I was about to check and see what it was when my mother came bursting in. My father was downstairs taking some unknown called and I quickly hid the bag I had just prepared. My mother was angry and I was always terrified when she got that way.

"We need to talk," she said coldly.

"A-Ab-out what?" I tried to sound genuine.

"I know you've been sneaking off to the Granger's. Why?"

"We're schoolmates."

"Last time I checked you despised each other. Or is the opposite true?"

"What is that s-supposed to me-an?"

"Are you dating a girl!?"

"N-No -"

"Don't lie to me missy!"

I'm not ly-lyin -"

She slapped me across the face quite abruptly and the tingling feeling lingered for a moment. I stung every time one of my parents hit me, they created me after all. Tears welled up in my eyes stinging them and threatening to spill until they eventually did. My mother grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me to face her. (Shirt collar.)

"IS IT TRUE!?!?" She screamed.

I nodded in reply. I couldn't lie, if I lied she'd be so much angrier and the consequences would be way worse. At this new piece of information however, she threw me to the ground and started to kick and punch me. She eventually broke my arm and I let out a howl of pain and wailed as she smirked. My parents truly were cruel, but my father is the one that turned her into this.

"That'll teach you," she said triumphantly, "if you're still dating be tomorrow night you won't see the end of it."

When she left I stumbled to my feet and leant on the desk, I had to catch my breathe before opening the window. Once I knew it wouldn't be agony, I opened the window and threw my bag out with my good arm. Luna placed a ladder next to the window and Hermione climbed.

"What took you so long?" She asked

"Mother," I replied.

She let me climb down the ladder first when she noticed something. She stopped me and pulled something small from the clasps of my necklace. The necklace had been a gift from my uncle and I always were it because he cared more for me than my parents. She looked at the small object strangely and then left it on my desk stunned to silence.

"It's a tracker," she managed to mumble.

"Do we break it?" I asked.

"No. Your parents don't know we know. We hide it somewhere for them to find."


"If you have one, surely Blaise and Astoria do too."

I nodded and Hermione helped me out of the window and down the ladder with the tracker in my pocket. We told Ron, Ginny and Luna about the debtor and why it was going to happen. Harry and Draco had stayed behind, it was too risky for Draco to be out in public and Harry wouldn't leave him home alone. I knew why and smirked at Draco when they told us earning a flustered glare back.

"Next stop;" Ron began, "Blaise's. 


Aloha! I don't know why I said it that way, but I did. I would like to say thank you - again - for the reads. I hope more people will take interest, but I'm happy with what I got. Please check out some of my other works or make suggestions. Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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