Chapter Five - Blood and Secrets

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I am fully aware I posted earlier, but I don't care! I get an idea, I write it straight away. I've started a oneshot book too, so if you would please give me a ship suggestion I would be most thankful. Anywho, enjoy!


Draco's POV:

It wasn't a total lie. That had happened before. It's just not the whole truth on how it happened. I soon found Astoria who ran up and hugged me. She had sustained a few injuries from last night, but only the odd bruise or scratch here and there.

"Ow, Astoria," I growned.

"Sorry," she had seen what happened but probably forgot. "We ought to wrap you in bubble wrap with injuries like those."

"Why did you need to see me?"

"Well, I heard a rumour that you were rooming with Potter and I wanted to make sure everything went well."

"Well, he refuses to mind his own business. It's quite annoying."

"Tough. Well, let's go get our schedules."

We headed to the office and got our schedules. I had Chemistry with Professor Slughorn first. Astoria was two years younger then me and had History with Professor Binns. I didn't know who was in my class which worried me slightly.

"Well, see you at lunch," Astoria then skipped off to class.

I was definitely going to be late for class seeing as the science labs were at the other end of the school. But when I entered an empty corridor, I was pushed against a wall. When I opened my eyes I saw the grinning face of  Gregory Goyle. Vincent Crabbe was standing behind him with a malicious smile on his face.

"Hey faggot!" Crabbe spat.

"How's ditching the tattoo gang gone for you?" Goyle was clearly referring to leaving the Death-Eaters.

"Oh look! It's still there!"

"Don't want it removed?"

"What cat got your tongue?"

"He's too weak to even try and fight back! What happened?"

"I just don't want to get in trouble for fighting," I replied in a whisper. "And if you don't mind, I need to get to cla -"

I was interrupted when they slammed me back onto the wall after attempting to escape Goyle's grasp. Being that my right arm was broken, it was agonising to have it slammed against the wall. Goyle noticed my wince and proceeded to press my arm to the wall behind me letting blood leak through his fingers. Crabbe then pulled out a box cutter and carved a cross over the tattoo on my left arm.

"Traitor," Crabbe muttered through clenched teeth.

"Your welcome for informing Lucius about your little secret by the way," Goyle grimaced. 

"You -" that's when I realised how my father found out, it was their fault he was abusive. "You told -"

I was again interrupted when they threw me to the ground and dashed out of the corridor. I landed on my injured leg funny and twisted my ankle in the process. Man, this is not my day, I thought. I got up and headed for the boys bathroom instead of class to clean off my new injuries. It hurt like a b*tch but it had to be done.

I hobbled to class and got detention for arriving late. And of course I had to pair up with the only remaining student. Ernie Macmillan... the kid who wanted me dead most of all in this class. Fantastic! How could this day get any worse?


Hi again! I know it's a rather short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer. Again; I would like suggestions for my oneshot book. Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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