Chapter Fourteen - Home Sweet Home

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Hi! I can't believe we reached 140 reads! Thank you so much for taking interest in my fanfiction! I think I'm gonna release a few short chapters, but I hope you won't mind. Enjoy!


Draco's POV:

It was the last week of school before the holidays and today we have to inform the teachers as to whether we're staying or leaving. I was of course going home. I knew it wasn't smart considering the circumstances, but I wasn't going to stay behind with Macmillan and Finch-Flechley. Neither one of them were going home and I didn't really want to be around them.

I went to Head Mistress McGonagall's office and told her I was going home for the holidays. She didn't seem shocked, but she was slightly concerned and her face twitched with worry and she didn't seem like she liked the idea. I expected some people to not like the idea, but it was a bit strange coming from the Head Mistress. Still wasn't gonna change my mind, but it definitely affected me.

The next day we were all going home and I was packing when Harry walked in. He looked at me strangely and I couldn't quite figure out what he was thinking. It looked like a mixture of concern, shock, anger and relaxation? I didn't understand at the time, but he didn't like the thought of me going home either.

"What?" I asked, "I do have a family to go home to you know."

"I know..." he trailed off.

"Are you staying?"


"Then why do I have to?"

He didn't say anything more clearly keeping something to himself and shyly walked to his bags and started to pack. His style of packing was quite sloppy and messy, very disorganised in comparison to most peoples. It wasn't my business, but it was annoying me to the point of considering helping him. I didn't do so, but I still thought about it.

When we were done Harry looked at me with that same strange expression as before. It really confused me as to why he kept looking at me like that. I knew it was going to bother me until I asked so I decided I would. I wasn't the bravest but I needed to know.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I asked.

"No reason," Harry said quickly.


We didn't talk much for the rest of the day. Really, only a good night at the end of the day when going to sleep. Although, he did glare at me when I didn't eat as much as I probably should. I think that's what pushed me to continue eating.

But why did it bother him so much that I was going home? I wouldn't know until the next night. It's not like he... oh God does he know, was all I could think at that point. How would he even find out!? I never told him! The only people I told was Pansy, Blaise and Astoria! Unless they told him..!?


Harry's POV:

It was on the bus ride home that I realised how different life would be after that night. I was going to sneak out into the Malfoy's house and save Draco from his father. It was strange to think this and my friends noticed something off. They did ask but they weren't being pushy.

"Harry..." Hermione started, "why are you acting so weird?"

"You've been acting weird since packing time yesterday?" Neville added.

"Just gonna be strange," I said, "usually Ron would talk about plans for the holidays with us..."

"Ron's gonna need some time to get used to Hermione and I," Pansy chimed in.

"Don't beat yourself up about it," Blaise started, "it's not your fault he's a jerk."

"We're here!" Astoria piped up.

"Really?" Draco went to the window, "Wow we are."

"That was quick," Neville commented.

Outside was the all too familiar street we all lived in. The same cookie-cutter homes with beautifully maintained gardens. The surrounding forest, it was nice to see. But... that night, was going to be interesting...


I know, short chapter. I'm trying but it's difficult to make long chapters. I'll release a few today. Again, thank you few 140 reads. Check out my other works please. Thank you!

       -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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