Chapter Seven - Disorders and Disasters

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Hi! As I said, multiple chapters today. Enjoy!


Draco's POV:

I ran out of the dining hall and into the bathroom as quick as I could. I dashed into a cubicle and threw up the dinner I had just attempted to eat. I only had a few bites but I wasn't used to that much food. Blaise quickly ran in behind me and locked the cubicle door. 

"Hey mate..." he said concerned, "how are you?"

"I -" before I could say anything more I threw up again.

"Not so good eh? Better out then in."

"Not when you're throwing up all the contents of your stomach. But I gue -" more throwing up.

Once I was done Blaise gave me a biscuit he had stolen from the table on the way out. I looked at it for a few seconds before taking a bite of the crumbling biscuit. I didn't take big bites considering I had run in there because I ate too much. After eating about a quarter of the biscuit I couldn't eat anymore. 

"Draco -"

"If I eat anymore I'll throw up again," I interrupted Blaise.

"Okay... But don't eat too little. We don't want you collapsing on us."


Blaise helped me up and out of the bathroom where we found Pansy and Astoria. They looked at me worried and didn't seem to like seeing that much of the biscuit left. Instead of heading back to dinner we went to the student lounge. The room had couches surrounding a fire place and tables next to bookshelves.

"Guess he really wasn't feeding you..." Astoria said glumly.

"My breakfast was whatever leftovers he had," I said blankly. "Sometimes I'd get dinner."

"That's terrible!" Pansy exclaimed, "How did you survive!?"

"The odd sneak in picnic..."

"You mean," Blaise cut in, "we were your main source of food!?" (I eat a lot, people also call me anorexic. I would die without food.)


I looked at the time and saw it was nearly curfew. We all got up and headed to our dorms. Blaise being nextdoor to mine.

"See you tomorrow Draco..." he yawned.

"Good night Blaise," I left and went to bed.


Harry's POV:

I went into the dorm to find Draco already in bed. I was still confused about why he had rushed out of the dining hall earlier, so I asked while getting changed. He turned looking shocked when he saw me and quickly looked the other way. He stayed silent and I could've swarn his cheeks had tinted pink slightly.

"Well," I started up a conversation, "why'd you ran out of the hall?"

"None of your business," anger was evident in his voice.

"It was very ru -"

"Jesus Christ you really can't keep your nose out of other peoples business!"

"I'm trying to help!"

"Of course you are! You're Harry Potter! It's what you do best!"

"What? Helping people is what I do best?"

"No! Being nosey is what you're best at!"

"You know, if I had known you would still be so annoyig, I would've left you in that fire!"

I took it too far. He stopped talking immediately and curled up into a ball muttering something inaudible. I didn't realise it until that moment, but Draco was terrified. And I had probably made it worse. I still didn't know why he was constantly scared but it was very strange to see him like that.

He really did look awful. He was beaten, there were dark circles under his eyes and pale skin. He looked like he hadn't slept or eaten in a while. I only noticed then but... Draco was constantly wearing long sleeves. It was summer.

I sat next to him and lifted his left arm. He quickly yanked it away and looked at me angrily  holding his arm to his chest. He also sat up and moved away trying to make sure he was out of reach. He however didn't manage to get away before I saw the bandages. (Just to clarify, the bandage is from Chapter Five - Blood and Secrets.)

I grabbed his arm again rolling his sleeve to see a bloody bandage. I looked at him shocked and worried. He averted his gaze crumpling into a ball in a terrible attempt to disappear. A tear rolled down his cheek and quickly flicked it away.

"Why..?" I asked concern clouding my gaze.

"You don't understand," he replied quickly wiping away more tears.

"Why are you cutting yourself?"

"I'm n -" he stopped and sighed, "just go away."

"No. This isn't good for you. You could di -"

"I know I'm not an idiot!"

I pulled the smaller boy into a tight hug that he resisted and tried to fight back against but failed. He didn't relax, but he knew fighting back was futile. So, he sat there; motionless and frustrated. More so at himself for letting someone see him in this state.

His skin was surprisingly soft considering the state of everything else. His hair was slicked back as always and I could tell my hair tickled him. He crinkled his nose and held his breath clearly disliking the smell of my shampoo. I also - again - could've swarn he was blushing.

We sat there for a while, I didn't release him though. It was almost as though I was scared he'd fly away if I did. Why do I even care? It was strange to be holding the boy in such an intimate position but he needed help.

He soon fell asleep in my arms and I let go of him. He slid onto his pillow and was surprisingly beautiful with the state he was in. He didn't snore either which was nice. I soon after went to my own bed and drifted into a peaceful sleep almost instantly.


Little angsty but also kinda fluffy. And I was going to - again - ask that you take a look at some of my other stories. Thank you!

      -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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